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5455 results found
Health topics
… may throw a ball or stack blocks again at a later time. Changes in the brain allow a toddler between 18 and 24 … may throw a ball or stack blocks again at a later time. Changes in the brain allow a toddler between 18 and 24 …
Health topics
… a B.C. crisis line, without a wait or busy signal. Offers emotional support, information on appropriate referral … anxiety, alcohol and substance use, psychosis, and body image and eating. Young people can also access services …
… while you are taking nilutamide, but they occur most often during the first 3 months of treatment. Your doctor will … to therapy. The length of treatment depends on how your body and the cancer respond to nilutamide and other … dizziness, loss of sexual interest/ability, vision changes (such as difficulty seeing when moving into the dark …
Health topics
… AN-yuh-rih-zum") is a bulge in a section of the aorta, the body's main artery. The aorta carries oxygen-rich blood from … is it diagnosed? Aneurysms are often diagnosed by chance during tests done for other reasons. In some cases, they are … leads to aortic aneurysms isn't clear. It may cause changes in the lining of the artery wall that lead to tissue …
… in the lungs/legs, such as weakness on one side of the body, trouble speaking, sudden vision changes, confusion, shortness of breath, chest pain, or calf … birth control (such as condoms, diaphragms with spermicide) during treatment and for 2 months after stopping treatment. …
Health topics
… with the disease.) Women who have tested positive for gene changes (such as BRCA) may want to consider having their … ultrasound. Ultrasound uses sound waves to make pictures of body parts. A small hand-held device is passed back and … surgery to remove your ovaries and tubes You will be asleep during the operation. If the operation is laparoscopic (done …
Medical tests
… products you take. Some may increase the risk of problems during your test. Your doctor will tell you if you should … catheter is slowly moved through the blood vessel into your body. The catheter tip is moved into different positions in … catheter is slowly moved through the blood vessel into your body. The catheter tip is moved into different positions in …
Health topics
… hands to change a person's energy flow and restore health. During a session, the practitioner moves their hands 8 to 10 centimetres (3 to 4 inches) above the person's body, often making sweeping hand motions. The practitioner … place their hands lightly on specific parts of the person's body. How Well It Works Some research studies have shown …
Health topics
… cancer? Cancer is the growth of abnormal cells in the body. These extra cells grow together and form masses, … causes bladder cancer. But they have found that genetic changes play a role. Also, cigarette smoking and chemicals … tool. If an area of abnormal tissue or a tumour is found during your cystoscopy, you may have a CT scan or MRI. You …
Medical tests
… test that is done to check kidney function or appearance. During a scan to look at kidney function, a radioactive … test. Steps you can take Most of the tracer will leave your body through your urine or stool within a day. So be sure to … test. Steps you can take Most of the tracer will leave your body through your urine or stool within a day. So be sure to …