5455 results found
Health topics
… Overview All children need early and regular dental care. During routine checkups visits the doctor will check your … … Overview All children need early and regular dental care. During routine checkups visits the doctor will check your …
Health topics
… the eustachian tubes from opening. This leads to pressure changes. Fluid may collect in the middle ear. The pressure … and fluid can cause pain. You also can have ear pain from changes in pressure while you are flying in an airplane, … in an airplane, you can chew gum, yawn, or drink liquids during takeoff and landing. Try the exercise where you …
Health topics
… caused by a virus. The normal blood flow to the brain changes, and this can cause symptoms. Encephalitis is not … get supportive care to ease your symptoms and allow your body to heal on its own. You may take medicines to reduce … have some symptoms for several weeks or longer while your body slowly heals. Your doctor may recommend physiotherapy. …
Health topics
Health topics
Health topics
Medical tests
… A breast biopsy is usually done to check a lump found during a breast examination or to look at a suspicious area … No abnormal or cancer cells are present. Abnormal: Breast changes that are not cancer (benign) include: Calcium … Fibrocystic lumps and firm tumours (fibroadenomas). Breast changes that are not cancer but may increase your risk for …
Medical tests
… If a large amount of fluid is going to be taken out during the procedure, you may lie on your back with your … in your arm. It is important that you lie completely still during the procedure, unless you are asked to change … is taken out. Tell your doctor if you do not feel well during the test. Risks There is a very small chance that the …
HealthLinkBC files
… and fleas, which can be inside and outside your pet’s body Take your pet to the veterinarian for a yearly checkup … wire around the garden to keep them out. Wear gloves during gardening and wash your hands after gardening or …
Health topics
… Loss of the male hormone testosterone . As you age, your body makes less of this hormone. Some medical treatments, … cancer, can also lower the level of testosterone in your body. Low estrogen levels. Evidence suggests that low levels … also give you relief from pain caused by fractures or other changes to your bones. Medicines used to prevent or treat …