5455 results found
Health topics
… cost much. And it works. Wash your hands: Often, especially during cold and influenza (flu) season. This can reduce your … risk of catching or spreading a cold or influenza. Before, during, and after you prepare food. This reduces your risk … cost much. And it works. Wash your hands: Often, especially during cold and influenza (flu) season. This can reduce your …
Health topics
… A dentist usually checks for malocclusion in children during regular dental visits. If the jaw or teeth are out of … the jaw into a better position. This treatment works best during a child's growth spurts . Braces or other devices can … A dentist usually checks for malocclusion in children during regular dental visits. If the jaw or teeth are out of …
Health topics
… or her head movements. Put your baby on his or her tummy during awake periods and closely supervise. Allowing your … 15 months of age. Those first steps are possible because of changes that have taken place in the brain and the spinal … 15 months of age. Those first steps are possible because of changes that have taken place in the brain and the spinal …
Health topics
… an older adult. About 10 out of 100 people have problems during or after this kind of surgery. footnote 1 This means … your bladder or bowels, numbness or weakness, and sudden changes in the way you walk or move. These symptoms aren't … your bladder or bowels than usual. You notice sudden changes in your ability to walk in a steady way, or your …
Health topics
… around others After a major loss, you may feel more emotional or less patient. If you find yourself bothered by … around others After a major loss, you may feel more emotional or less patient. If you find yourself bothered by …
Medical tests
… cannot be easily identified with a physical examination or during a gynecology examination with a lighted magnifying … of skin lesions also may be found. Abnormal cervical cell changes caused by HPV will be treated differently than how … of skin lesions also may be found. Abnormal cervical cell changes caused by HPV will be treated differently than how …
Health topics
… help prevent these problems. Have your child's eyes checked during the newborn period and again at all routine checkups. … help prevent these problems. Have your child's eyes checked during the newborn period and again at all routine checkups. …
Health topics
… from playing sports or doing strenuous activity, especially during the pre-teen and teen years. Normal changes that come with aging can weaken this part of a … especially during the pre-teen and teen years. Normal changes that come with aging can weaken this part of a …
Health topics
… is the use of medicines to block pain from an area of the body such as an arm or a leg or the belly. It's a safe way to relieve pain during a procedure. It's often used with medicines to relax … nerve or group of nerves. It blocks pain in the part of the body supplied by the nerve. This is often used for …
Health topics
… countries. If you have had many blood transfusions, your body may have formed antibodies against donated blood. Your body mistakes the new blood as harmful and tries to destroy … that you may not be able to stand losing much more blood during surgery before you'd need a transfusion. In some …