5455 results found
Health topics
… in. To help your child to stop: Choose a time when no other changes are happening Start by limiting where and when your … reducing to one place at one time. This often ends up being during naps or bedtime. Once your toddler's is asleep, …
Medical tests
… a problem days to months earlier than a regular X-ray test. During a bone scan, a radioactive substance called a tracer … you may be asked to drink 4 to 6 glasses of water so your body can wash out the tracer that does not collect in your … above you. It may move slowly above, below, and around your body, scanning for radiation released by the tracer and …
Health topics
… keeps the knee from bending inward. You can hurt your MCL during activities that involve bending, twisting, or a quick … of the knee is hit. This type of injury can also occur during skiing and in other sports with lots of stop-and-go … keeps the knee from bending inward. You can hurt your MCL during activities that involve bending, twisting, or a quick …
Health topics
… days. It has three phases: early, active and transition. During the early phase, you might have a backache and feel …
Health topics
Health topics
… emergency is very high blood pressure that damages the body. It can cause damage to the brain, heart, eyes, or … hypertensive emergency can cause: Bleeding in your brain or body. Heart attack. Stroke. Heart failure. Kidney failure. … especially on only one side of your body. Sudden vision changes. Sudden trouble speaking. Sudden confusion or …
Health topics
… practices (such as massage, meditation, yoga, and dietary changes) and the use of herbal remedies. Ayurvedic medicine is holistic, which means viewing the body and mind as a whole. Ayurveda treats more than a … of nature (space, air, fire, water, earth) combine in the body as three components (doshas) known as Vata, Pitta, and …
Health topics
… in middle age, existing bone cells are reabsorbed by the body faster than new bone is made. As this occurs, the bones … and because the loss of bone mass speeds up as hormonal changes take place at the time of menopause. In both men and … disorders or metabolism problems that do not allow the body to take in and use enough vitamins and minerals …
Health topics
… use of medicine to help you feel relaxed and comfortable during a procedure. Sometimes it's used to help with pain. … anesthesia. The local type numbs a small part of the body. The regional type blocks pain to a larger area of the body. While you are sedated, a doctor or nurse will watch …
Health topics