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Health topics
… nigricans . You have schizophrenia . Body Mass Index (BMI) Health Screening: Finding Health … nigricans . You have schizophrenia . Body Mass Index (BMI) Health Screening: Finding Health …
… your specific health needs. Warning Sirolimus lowers the body's ability to fight an infection/disease … away if you develop any of the following: unusual skin changes, change in the appearance/size of moles, unusual … known as immunosuppressants. It works by weakening your body's defense system (immune system) to help your body
Health topics
… supply. What happens in surgery for an umbilical hernia? During the surgery, the doctor makes a small cut, or … You may have an epidural, which is medicine that numbs your body below the point of the injection. You may remain awake … see Wait and see You will get regular checkups to watch for changes. You watch for signs of problems related to the …
Health topics
… weight. Get to a healthy weight by making small, long-term changes in your eating and exercise habits. Key points to … diets do not provide a healthy balance of the foods your body needs. Diets that severely restrict calories or that … called "yo-yo dieting." Yo-yo dieting may be harder on the body than just being overweight. Just because a diet plan …
Health topics
… / training heart rate) - The rate your heart should beat during exercise in order to get the most improvement in aerobic capacity (the amount of oxygen your body uses). This is usually expressed as a range. Your … your target heart rate, use the following equations: During light intensity activity - Target heart rate is …
Health topics
… needs to be strong to pump oxygen-rich blood to your entire body. When the ventricle gets thick, other changes can happen in the heart. The heart's electrical … means that your heart doesn't pump as much blood as your body needs. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do a …
HealthLinkBC files
… die from the disease 6,000 people will develop high risk changes to the cervix which are precancerous 135 people will …
Health topics
… fibrous tissue. What happens For some cardiomyopathies, the changes in the heart muscle can lead to other heart problems … When the heart cannot pump blood well, the rest of the body may not get enough blood, oxygen, or nutrients. … When the heart cannot pump blood well, the rest of the body may not get enough blood, oxygen, or nutrients. …
Health topics
… your sex life together. If you withdraw sexually because of body image, fear of erection problems, or fear of not … whole relationship, not just the sexual relationship. Make changes, if needed. Identify positive areas, areas of … your sex life together. If you withdraw sexually because of body image, fear of erection problems, or fear of not …