5868 results found
Health topics
… such as the heart and brain can't work as well as they should. Your baby may need special care, such as being in … such as the heart and brain can't work as well as they should. Your baby may need special care, such as being in …
Health topics
… think and reason. It allows you to be awake (conscious), to have thoughts and memories, and to use language. The nervous … come to. But unless something else is wrong, these symptoms should pass pretty quickly and you should soon feel about as awake and alert as you normally …
Health topics
… are important to many health problems. Blood Transfusions: Should I Bank Blood Before Surgery? Before Surgery You will have an appointment with your surgeon before your surgery. … and after your surgery. Learn more Blood Transfusions: Should I Bank Blood Before Surgery? Prevent Medical Errors …
Medical tests
… for the joint and cushions joint structures. If you have a joint problem, you may have more fluid in your joint … doctor will examine the joint to find out where the needle should be inserted. Your doctor may use ultrasound to guide … doctor will examine the joint to find out where the needle should be inserted. Your doctor may use ultrasound to guide …
HealthLinkBC files
… People undergoing cancer chemotherapy People who have other illnesses The elderly What are the symptoms? In … and visitors can spread the infection to you if their hands have come in contact with the C. diff bacteria, and they … the antibiotic that led to the infection. However, you should not stop taking your antibiotics until you have been …
Medical tests
… treatment is working. You may need retinal imaging if: You have diabetes or diabetic retinopathy . These conditions can … a better chance of protecting your vision. Retinal imaging should not take the place of a complete eye examination. How … a better chance of protecting your vision. Retinal imaging should not take the place of a complete eye examination. How …
Health topics
… is much the same as for younger adults. But older adults do have concerns that younger adults do not. These may include: … recommend how often to have routine checkups. Many people should see their dentists once or twice a year. Keep the … hold them in place for a while. But dentures that fit well shouldn't need an adhesive. Think about replacing them about …
Medical tests
… you need a breast examination. Women with breast implants should also have regular clinical breast examinations. Why It Is Done A … you need a breast examination. Women with breast implants should also have regular clinical breast examinations. Why …
Health topics
… symptoms start—depend on the type of anthrax infection you have. With cutaneous anthrax, symptoms usually appear 5 to 7 … who has been exposed to anthrax spores but is not yet sick should be treated with antibiotics and a few doses of the … who has been exposed to anthrax spores but is not yet sick should be treated with antibiotics and a few doses of the …
Health topics
… The Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) recommends that all men should know how their testicles normally look and feel and that men should talk to their doctor if they notice any changes in … The Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) recommends that all men should know how their testicles normally look and feel and …