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5868 results found
Health topics
… it is most common in older adults, babies, and people who have problems of the brain or nervous system. There are many … of these are minor, and others are more serious. If you have a hard time swallowing once or twice, you probably do not have a medical problem. But if you have trouble swallowing …
Health topics
… sweating is different than the occasional sweating people have from sleeping deeply, being in a warm room, or having … your clothing and sheets are soaked to the point that you have to change them. Many women who are in menopause have night sweats. Night sweats can also be related to other …
Health topics
… sliding, paraesophageal , and mixed. Most people who have a hiatal hernia have a sliding hiatal hernia . What causes it? A hiatal … from the diaphragm. What are the symptoms? Most people who have a hiatal hernia have no symptoms. One symptom you may …
Health topics
… about STIs and safer sex Even though a sex partner doesn't have symptoms of a sexually transmitted infection (STI) , they may still be infected. Before you have sex with someone, it's a good idea to discuss STIs. … to ask someone before having sex include: How many people have you had sex with? Have you had sex without a condom? …
Health topics
… at times. But people with generalized anxiety disorder have more than normal everyday worries. Many people who have generalized anxiety disorder have physical symptoms. These can include having headaches …
Health topics
… How is it diagnosed? When your doctor suspects that you have mitral valve regurgitation, you will be asked about your past health and have a physical examination. To diagnose the problem and check your heart, you'll likely have an echocardiogram. You may have other tests to help …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview People who have schizophrenia sometimes have to spend time in the hospital. This can be because of severe symptoms or for other reasons. You may have to go to the hospital if: You're having a psychotic …
Health topics
… quality of life. Most people with heart failure can still have an active sex life. You can ask your doctor to help you know if or when it's okay for you to have sex. If you or your partner is worried about having … meal. Don't drink alcohol before sex. Stop and rest if you have trouble breathing. Stop if you feel light-headed or …
Health topics
… stenosis takes a long time to develop, and you may not have symptoms for many years. But as the problem gets worse, you may have symptoms such as chest pain or pressure, dizziness, or … work harder. How is it diagnosed? Most people find out they have aortic valve stenosis when their doctor hears a heart …
Medical tests
… Hepatitis B tests are blood tests that show whether you have an active hepatitis B infection. The tests can also … the infection. Why It Is Done You may need testing if: You have symptoms of hepatitis. You may have been exposed to the hepatitis B virus. You are more …