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Health topics
… in your hospital stay. Ideally, much of the paperwork will have been done ahead of time, before you even get to the … to go directly to the surgery department. You'll probably have to sign a number of forms, such as a general consent … with three or four beds, at least for a while. Most rooms have their own washrooms, complete with shower stalls. You …
Health topics
… in front of a large group of people. People with phobias have so much fear that it's hard to do normal activities, … (and other closed spaces), or bridges. Many people who have phobias also have another condition such as a different anxiety disorder, …
Health topics
… Overview If you are younger than 40 and have no known risk factors for glaucoma , the Canadian … pressures in their eyes, measuring eye pressure (tonometry) shouldn't be used as the only test for glaucoma. It needs to … pressures in their eyes, measuring eye pressure (tonometry) shouldn't be used as the only test for glaucoma. It needs to …
Health topics
… Although most people who get colorectal cancer do not have one of these mutated genes, having certain gene changes … puts you at an increased risk for colorectal cancer. If you have an increased risk, your doctor may also recommend you … What the Results Mean A positive result means that you may have one of the changed genes that causes familial …
Health topics
… (lung) nodules are growths or "spots" in the lungs. You may have just one nodule (called a solitary pulmonary nodule) or … A lung nodule might not cause any symptoms. But you may have symptoms from whatever caused the nodule, like symptoms … of an infection. How are they diagnosed? Your doctor may have found one or more nodules on your lung when you were …
Health topics
… severe), which may guide treatment choices. People who have mild ulcerative colitis may have: Fewer than four bowel movements (stools) a day. No … Normal erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). People who have mild ulcerative colitis do not have fever, rapid …
Health topics
… purple and red spots under the skin. See your doctor if you have symptoms like these that don't go away, especially if … X-ray. This is to see if your heart is enlarged or if you have signs of heart failure. An MRI (magnetic resonance … home. A home health nurse can help you with this. After you have been treated with IV antibiotics, your doctor may want …
Health topics
… Check Your Symptoms Overview Most adults and older children have several respiratory infections each year. Respiratory … in the back, neck, jaw, or upper belly, or in one or both shoulders or arms. Light-headedness or sudden weakness. A … in the back, neck, jaw, or upper belly, or in one or both shoulders or arms. Light-headedness or sudden weakness. A …
Health topics
… are more likely than men to develop thyroid nodules. You have been exposed to radiation. Exposure to environmental … thyroid gland ( goiter ), with or without nodules. You have Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Hashimoto's thyroiditis can … thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). One or both of your parents have had thyroid nodules. What are the symptoms? Most …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If you have a mental health problem, you may worry about what other … stress disorder (PTSD) , and schizophrenia . You have a say in how others see you. The way you act and treat … and toward mental health problems. Stigma People sometimes have negative views about things they don't understand, such …