5868 results found
Health topics
… used to enjoy, and feeling this way nearly every day. You have thoughts of death or suicide. If you have had these symptoms for at least 2 weeks, you might have depression. A serious symptom of depression is thinking …
Health topics
… Some drug allergies go away with time. But after you have an allergic reaction to a drug, you will probably … reactions vary. So your doctor will want to find out if you have a true drug allergy or if you have side effects that are not as serious. What causes it? …
Health topics
… neuropathy is nerve damage caused by diabetes. People who have diabetes often have high blood sugar levels. Over time, this can damage … higher your blood sugar levels, the more likely you are to have nerve damage. Also, the older you get and the longer …
Medical tests
… (arrhythmia), and arthritis . But many people do not have symptoms in the early stages. In men, hereditary … hemochromatosis. It is often recommended for people who have a close family member—parent, brother, sister, or child—with this disease. This test might be done if you have high iron levels in your blood. This test helps to find …
Health topics
… Getting around your home safely can be a challenge if you have injuries or health problems that make it easy for you … in walkways are among the dangers for many older people who have problems walking or who have poor eyesight. People who have conditions such as …
Health topics
… Overview Overview People who have substance use disorder keep using alcohol or other … to teens and younger adults. But people of all ages can have this disorder, including older adults. Older adults may … at home rather than in public. Older adults may not have duties that are affected by substance use, such as …
Health topics
… For example, the first time you are stung by a bee, you may have only pain and redness from the sting. If you're stung again, you may have hives or trouble breathing. This is caused by the response of the immune system. Many people will have some problem with allergies or allergic reactions at …
Health topics
… digesting certain foods, or stress. People with IBS may have sensitive intestines or problems with the muscles of … mucus in the stools, and a feeling that the bowels haven't completely emptied. These symptoms are real and not … certain foods, or stress or anxiety. People with IBS may have unusually sensitive intestines. Or they may have …
Health topics
… and accurate correction. Improvements in contact lenses have made them more comfortable and easier to wear. Millions … carefully to avoid vision-threatening complications. If you have a hard time following the cleaning steps, tell your eye … contact lenses. Contact lenses may be used by people who have had cataract surgery and couldn't have an artificial …
Health topics
… high triglycerides . High blood pressure . Most people who have NAFLD also have one or more of these health problems. But NAFLD can occur in people who have none of these conditions. What are the symptoms? Most …