5868 results found
Health topics
… A splint protects a broken bone or other injury. If you have a removable splint, follow your doctor's instructions … make your splint from plaster or fibreglass. Some splints have a built-in air cushion. Air pads are inflated to hold … your doctor if you can take it off when you use ice. If you have an adjustable splint that feels too tight, loosen it …
Health topics
… your doctor may leave the rest of your thyroid. Or you may have all of it removed. If the answer isn't clear, your … a cut (incision) in the front of your neck. You will likely have a tube, called a drain, in your neck. It lets fluid out … about a week. You may need to take thyroid medicine. If you have thyroid cancer, you may need to have radioactive iodine …
Health topics
… What is low testosterone? Men who have low testosterone do not make enough of the male hormone … at birth. A blood test is usually done to find out if you have low testosterone. If your doctor thinks low … you and ask about your symptoms and past health. You will have a blood test. If it shows a low testosterone level, you …
Health topics
… Information Feeling tired is common if you have HIV, especially if you have had the virus for many years. Being severely tired can … want to do some tests to find why you are so tired. You may have one or more of the following: Blood tests for anemia …
Health topics
… is most common in people who are taking antibiotics or have taken them recently. It is also common in older people … stomach acid, such as Nexium, Prevacid, or Losec, also have a greater risk of getting a C. diff infection. Your … diarrhea, belly cramps, fever, or dehydration. You also may have an abnormal heartbeat, especially if you become …
Health topics
… activity in both men and women. Men Men who smoke may have trouble getting and keeping an erection. This is … inside the blood vessels. Men who quit smoking often have fewer problems with having a normal erection. Women Women who smoke may also have less sexual sensation. And smoking can also cause other …
Health topics
… turn or waiting in line. Blurt out answers before questions have been completed. Interrupt or intrude on others, such as … may also affect driving skills and general safety. Have temper outbursts. Inattention Inattention related to … the person's age. People with symptoms of inattention may: Have trouble listening when spoken to directly. Be easily …
Health topics
… the most important person in your own recovery. You need to have a major say in the decisions about your care. This may … Ask questions. If you need extra time to think or you have trouble talking, try not to let others make decisions for you without hearing what you have to say. If you have a speech problem, you may have …
Health topics
… that you lose consciousness. You don't pass out when you have an alcohol blackout. But you do lose your memories of … event. Injuries and illnesses you can't explain. You might have new physical problems, such as stomach cramps. Or … See swelling or redness of the palms of your hands. Have redness on your face, especially your nose and cheeks. …
Health topics
… an orthodontic wire, gets stuck in a wound, you may need to have it removed by a doctor. You can also have problems from a piercing in the mouth. The piece of … treat, in his or her mouth. Check Your Symptoms Do you have an injury to your mouth or teeth? Yes Injury to mouth …