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5539 results found
Health topics
… body needs the right amount to stay healthy and work as it should. You can use the list below to help you make choices … cm (4 in.) Bread, 1 slice Oatmeal (cooked), ½ cup (125 mL) Pasta and noodles (cooked), 1 cup (250 mL) Rice, (cooked), ½ … body needs the right amount to stay healthy and work as it should. You can use the list below to help you make choices …
Medical tests
… blood level, they don't control seizures as well as they should. At a high blood level, they may cause problems. Your … blood level, they don't control seizures as well as they should. At a high blood level, they may cause problems. Your …
Health topics
… the doctor to stop your heartbeat and replace the valve. After the doctor has replaced your aortic valve, the doctor … fade with time. You may stay in the hospital for a few days after surgery. How It Is Done In open-heart surgery, the … on your overall health, you may go home a few days after surgery. Surgery will likely involve a long recovery …
Medical tests
… ejaculation. It normally becomes liquid within 20 minutes after ejaculation. Liquefaction time is the time it takes … sample at home, take it to the lab or clinic within 1 hour after you collect it. Since semen samples may vary from day … how well a vasectomy has worked is usually done 12 weeks after the vasectomy. How It Feels Getting a semen sample …
Health topics
… causes nerve damage. It usually begins to affect the nerves after you've had a viral or bacterial infection. Often it is after an infection of the lungs or stomach and intestines. … days, muscle weakness in the legs and arms develops. After about 4 weeks, most people begin to get better. You …
Health topics
… how well hemodialysis is working. Your weight before and after each session will be recorded, as will the length of … you will need to keep records of your weight before and after each session and the length of each session. Learn … Well It Works Why It Is Done Hemodialysis is often started after symptoms or complications of kidney failure develop. …
Health topics
… doctor prescribed medicines, take them as prescribed, even after you start to feel better. Call your doctor or nurse … Wash your hands often, especially before eating and after being in public places. Avoid people who are sick. Use … soaps, such as Dove or Cetaphil. Use moisturizing lotion after you bathe. You can use it more often if your skin is …
Health topics
… in your area. In general, the pollen counts are lowest just after sunrise. They then begin to increase and are usually highest at midday and throughout the afternoon. They begin to decrease around sunset. Keep … when you go outdoors. Take a shower and change clothing after you work or play outside. And dry your clothes in a …
Health topics
… chemical on it. If the area still has a burning sensation after 20 minutes, flush the area again with flowing water … first, because adding water can make a liquid that burns. After the powder is brushed away, flush with water for 20 … chemical on it. If the area still has a burning sensation after 20 minutes, flush the area again with flowing water …
Health topics
… Frozen Shoulder On this page: What is frozen shoulder? Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) is … work to keep full range of motion. Frozen shoulder occurs: After surgery or injury. Most often in people 40 to 70 years …