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Health topics
… or see brief flashes of light when the laser is applied to your eye. What To Expect Laser photocoagulation is usually … after the procedure. Eyedrops are used to widen (dilate) your pupils before the procedure. And your eyes will remain dilated for several hours afterward. …
Health topics
… prescribed or if he or she doesn't get better despite your efforts. To help manage feelings of frustration, share your feelings with others, including other caregivers, … counsellors, clergy, or health professionals. Call your local AIDS service organization for support. Remember …
Health topics
… blackheads , and pimples and causing the top layer of your skin to peel. Skin care products that have AHAs are … redness of the skin. Use them less often if you notice that your skin becomes very red or very dry. Using skin care products with AHAs will make your skin very sensitive to ultraviolet (UV) light. Be sure …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview You sometimes may notice that your milk does not flow easily, or let down , when you … the tingling and leaking of milk that usually occurs when your milk begins to flow. You may develop sore nipples because your baby has to work harder or you have to pump longer to …
Health topics
… can respond to the same home treatment tips: Gently warm up your wrists and fingers before beginning an activity. Fan open your fingers. Stretch your wrists forward and back. Do some wrist circles. Repeat …
Health topics
… surgery (arthroscopy) is a surgical procedure that allows your doctor to look at the inside of a joint in your body through a thin viewing instrument called an … knee. During arthroscopy, the arthroscope is inserted into your joint through a small cut (incision) in the skin. The …
Health topics
… The deep brain stimulator (DBS) is implanted under your skin on your upper chest near your collarbone. A wire under the skin … stimulation may also be used for people who aren't candidates for epilepsy surgery or who haven't responded well to …
Health topics
… Getting Started Getting Started If your plate includes lots of colourful vegetables, your healthy meal is off to a good start. Include a type of … use healthy fats, such as olive or canola oil. Flavour your foods with herbs and lemon instead of salt. Here are a …
Health topics
… Down syndrome, autism and developmental delays Last updated June 1, 2021 Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a … Down Syndrome: Grooming and Hygiene Down Syndrome: Helping Your Child Avoid Social Problems Down Syndrome: Helping Your Child Dress Independently Down Syndrome: Helping Your
Health topics
… be difficult for a child to describe. Also, a child isn't always able to recognize a sensation as pain. An older child … the signs can be hard to recognize. Signs that may mean your child is in pain include: Changes in usual behaviour. … be difficult for a child to describe. Also, a child isn't always able to recognize a sensation as pain. An older child …