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Health topics
… take, how much you take, and how the medicines affect you. Your doctor can tell you what side effects to expect and how … likely to get infections and to bruise or bleed easily. Your doctor can tell you what precautions to take and how … after it falls out. Nerve problems. Chemotherapy can damage your nervous system. You may notice tingling or a lack of …
Health topics
… the nails softer and easier to trim. Start by gathering your supplies. You will need toenail clippers and a nail … and nail polish remover. To trim the nails: Wash and dry your hands. You don't need to wear gloves. Use nail polish … and toe steady with one hand while you trim the nail with your other hand. Trim the nails straight across. Leave the …
Health topics
… Viral load is a measurement of how much HIV is present in your blood. A sample of blood is drawn and sent to a lab for … than a CD4+ cell count of what the virus is doing in your body at the moment. (The CD4+ test measures the effect HIV is having on your immune system.) The viral load test is used to help …
Health topics
… cause depression. If you think you might be depressed, tell your doctor right away. The sooner you know if you are … you can get treatment. Treatment can help you feel better. Your doctor will want to know if in the past 2 weeks: You … things. You have been feeling sad, hopeless, or empty. Your doctor may also ask about sleep troubles or changes in …
Health topics
… or have any pressure areas. Smooth out all wrinkles in your socks when you put them on. Mittens rather than gloves so your fingers are together and can be rolled into a fist. Cold Exposure: What Increases Your Risk of Injury? Cold Temperature Exposure Hypothermia …
Health topics
… therapy (IDET) is a treatment for chronic low back pain. Your doctor may suggest IDET if they think the pain in your back is coming from the disc itself. Your doctor may also suggest IDET if other treatments have …
Health topics
… Months On this page: Overview Overview Your child's physical growth during the second year, … start to come in. These large and flat teeth may cause your toddler pain before and while they erupt through the … may cause crankiness, disrupt sleep patterns, and change your toddler's behaviour. Growth and …
Health topics
… in children is often treated with surgery. This helps make your child's knee stable. And it may help them get back to … But with surgery, there is a small risk of an injury to your child's growing bone. Sometimes, especially if your child is almost done growing, it may be better to wait. …
Health topics
… tiny insects that can make a temporary home in the seams of your clothing or bedding (sheets, pillows, and blankets). … are places where the seams of clothing can press against your skin. It's hard to see body lice on your body. It's much easier to see lice or their eggs …
Health topics
… gland , a small gland in the brain. Melatonin helps control your sleep and wake cycles. Very small amounts of it are … in low doses for short-term use. But be sure to talk with your doctor about taking them. Children and pregnant or … when you are taking it. During health examinations, tell your doctor if you are taking melatonin. And tell your