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6353 results found
Health topics
… causes it? The causes of epididymitis vary depending on your age and behaviour. In children it is most commonly … caused by epididymitis. You may also want to elevate your scrotum by rolling up a hand towel and placing it under your scrotum. If epididymitis was caused by a sexually …
Health topics
… surgery might help reduce or get rid of symptoms related to your low back problem. Although research shows that surgery … is not meant for people in emergency situations. Talk to your doctor right away if you have numbness, weakness, or … symptoms such as leg pain, numbness, or weakness, talk to your doctor about what steps you can take. If surgery is …
Health topics
… any sensation in the portion of the limb that was removed (your "phantom" limb) that the limb might have experienced … treatments. You may try a range of medicines to help with your pain. This may include over-the-counter medicines like … Mirror therapy. This involves using a mirror to reflect your unaffected limb so that you "see" painless movement in …
Health topics
… and their daily routine soon after surgery. In some cases, your doctor may suggest a rehabilitation program. This may … with any surgery, there are some risks. Surgery doesn't always work. Or it may not work any better than other … with any surgery, there are some risks. Surgery doesn't always work. Or it may not work any better than other …
Health topics
… How can you use complementary medicine safely? Tell your doctor if you use or want to use this type of … care. You may miss important treatment that could save your life. Use these treatments wisely. Natural health … side effects or interact with medicines that you take. Your provincial health plan or private insurance may not …
Health topics
… methods of spinal fusion. Bone is taken from elsewhere in your body or obtained from a bone bank. Or sometimes … Bedrest usually isn't needed while you recover at home. Your doctor may recommend that you wear a back brace while … As you decide about having spinal fusion, talk with your doctor about the benefits and risks. Risks The risks of …
Health topics
… receive a minor electrical shock. You may feel tingling in your hand or arm. Usually, this tingling goes away in a few … the skin or other symptoms, there is no reason to worry. If your skin is burned by electricity, there is cause for … where it leaves the body. When electricity passes though your body, the electricity may injure blood vessels, nerves, …
Health topics
… especially to children. Don't give any antihistamines to your child unless you've checked with the doctor first. The … epilepsy, or an enlarged prostate. Antihistamines can cause your other health problems to get worse and also may … and tranquilizers. Read the package carefully, and ask your pharmacist or doctor to help you choose an …
Health topics
… shoulder pain that does not change when you move your neck, shoulder, or arm or that occurs with symptoms elsewhere in your body (such as in your abdomen or chest) may be referred shoulder pain. …
Health topics
… have vaginal dryness around the time of menopause. Or if your ovaries were removed during a hysterectomy … The estrogen affects only the vaginal area. Talk with your doctor if you have any problems during intercourse … If you have other symptoms of menopause, talk to your doctor about systemic estrogen therapy (ET) and other …