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3871 results found
… remember, change your patch at the same time each day. To prevent the patch from coming off, use care while showering, … and apply a new patch afterward, and how to do so properly. Older adults may be more sensitive to the side effects of this …
… nausea, muscle pain, headache, tiredness, dizziness. To prevent these symptoms while you are stopping treatment with … vaccines (such as flu vaccine inhaled through the nose). Older adults may be more sensitive to the side effects of this …
… as nausea, dizziness, weakness, or muscle/joint pain. To prevent these symptoms while you are stopping treatment with … vaccines (such as flu vaccine inhaled through the nose). Older adults may be more sensitive to the side effects of this …
Health topics
… be pale or have a headache. Other symptoms in children and adults include bruising, bleeding easily, and bone pain. How … might remain after induction. Maintenance therapy helps prevent relapse. Health Tools Health Tools help you make … remain after induction. Maintenance therapy. This helps prevent relapse. Treatments may include: Chemotherapy. …
Health topics
… usually includes the meter, needle (lancet) and lancet holder, test strips, and cotton balls. Learn how to use the … to your medical record or if you can make reports to share. Prevent sore fingers Frequent blood sugar testing can lead … to your medical record or if you can make reports to share. Prevent sore fingers Frequent blood sugar testing can lead …
… health needs. Uses Budesonide is used to control and prevent symptoms (wheezing and shortness of breath) caused … face mask or mouthpiece) and how to properly clean it to prevent infections. If you have any questions, consult your … receive a flu shot annually. Discuss with your doctor. In adults, this medication can increase the risk of bone loss …
… and other mental/mood disorders. These medications can help prevent suicidal thoughts/attempts and provide other … adjust your diabetes medication, exercise program, or diet. Older adults may be more sensitive to the side effects of this …
Health topics
… , leukemia , multiple myeloma , and aplastic anemia . In adults, most autologous transplants use stem cells from … You will need to take antibiotics for several months to prevent infection. Your immune system may take 1 to 2 years … You will need to take antibiotics for several months to prevent infection. Your immune system may take 1 to 2 years …
Health topics
… on this medicine? How much does the medicine cost? Is an older or less expensive generic version available? Will it … on their own? How long will it take? Can I do anything to prevent or manage them? When should I call about side … on their own? How long will it take? Can I do anything to prevent or manage them? When should I call about side …
Health topics
… provides education and support to help you recover and prevent problems with your heart. Ask your doctor if rehab … may help relieve symptoms, improve quality of life, and prevent damage to the heart. footnote 1 Risks The risks of … younger, healthy people have a lower risk of problems while older people with other health problems have a higher risk. …