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Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview Children usually progress in a natural, predictable sequence … each child grows and gains skills at their own pace. Some children may be advanced in one area, such as language. But …
Health topics
… disorder (DMDD) is a new type of mood disorder in children and teens. Kids with DMDD feel irritable or angry … disorders, such as oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). Children and teens with DMDD have: Intense verbal or …
Health topics
… a pregnancy Smoking, alcohol and other drug use Unborn babies are susceptible to second-hand smoke, just like we … mental health, support is available. Talk to your health care provider about any concerns you may have. The BC …
Health topics
… where it will take place. It can also be helpful to take childbirth classes during your pregnancy. This will help you … to give birth depends on your preference and your health care needs. Whether you choose to give birth in a hospital … the advantages or disadvantages of each type of careChildbirth classes Childbirth: Labouring in water and water …
… In some cases, your doctor may prescribe medication to prevent or relieve nausea and vomiting. Eating several small … not store in the bathroom. Keep all medications away from children and pets. Do not flush medications down the toilet …
Health topics
… Those affected This condition is more common in infants and young children who have sickle cell disease. It may follow a …
Health topics
… 10 Years On this page: Overview Overview The home remains a child's most important sphere of influence during the early school years. It's also the base from which children explore relationships outside of the home. A … and newfound confidence. During the first years of school, children make friends with little forethought or planning. …
… Effects section.) Uses This medication is used to treat or prevent certain skin conditions related to Hansen's disease, … not store in the bathroom. Keep all medications away from children and pets. Do not flush medications down the toilet …
Health topics
… of steroid medicine or surgery to remove it. How can you prevent them? Here are some things you can do to prevent styes and chalazia. Don't rub your eyes. This can … of steroid medicine or surgery to remove it. How can you prevent them? Here are some things you can do to prevent
… may need to be adjusted. This medication may slow down a child's growth if used for a long time. Consult the doctor … you to take low-dose aspirin for heart attack or stroke prevention (usually 81-162 milligrams a day), you should … not store in the bathroom. Keep all medications away from children and pets. Do not flush medications down the toilet …