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Health topics
… things that aren't there). If you think that you or your child has encephalitis, call your doctor right away. How is … you get the medicine right away. You'll also get supportive care to ease your symptoms and allow your body to heal on … things that aren't there). If you think that you or your child has encephalitis, call your doctor right away. How is …
Health topics
… for infection. For example, you're at high risk if you're younger than 25 and sexually active, or if you've had more … know that you have an infection, you can get treatment and prevent spreading the infection to others. Left untreated, … on screening for chlamydia and gonorrhea in primary care for individuals not known to be at high risk. CMAJ, …
Health topics
… for epilepsy send electrical signals to the brain to prevent the electrical bursts that cause seizures. The deep … seizure already in progress. The VNS may also work well in children. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) may be an option for …
Health topics
Health topics
… or the Baker's cyst is removed by surgery. How can you care for yourself at home? Rest your knee as much as … or the Baker's cyst is removed by surgery. How can you care for yourself at home? Rest your knee as much as …
Health topics
… up can help you stay safe until help arrives. How can you care for yourself after a fall? If you think you can get up … up can help you stay safe until help arrives. How can you care for yourself after a fall? If you think you can get up …
Health topics
… A skin flap may be used to help with healing. How can you care for yourself? While you are being treated for an … A skin flap may be used to help with healing. How can you care for yourself? While you are being treated for an …
Health topics
… dizzy or weak. What to expect during fourth stage labour Babies often breastfeed or nuzzle mother's breast. Fatigue …
… and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care professional … of acetaminophen a day. People with liver problems and children should take less acetaminophen. Ask your doctor or …