3583 results found
Health topics
… to treat arthritis. Warfarin (such as Coumadin). It helps prevent blood clots. Lithium. It is used to treat bipolar … multivitamin supplementation for the primary and secondary prevention of neural tube defects and other folic … multivitamin supplementation for the primary and secondary prevention of neural tube defects and other folic …
Health topics
… they usually aren't serious. You can often relieve pain and prevent infection of minor nail problems at home. Normally, … strong soaps, and other chemicals. You may be able to prevent some of these problems if you use lotion and avoid … Self-Care Home treatment can help relieve pain, prevent infection, and promote healing. Try these tips to …
Health topics
… to shorten the episode or decrease its intensity. Certain preventive measures may also help. Colic gradually goes away on its own, regardless of what you do. Prevention Keep a diary to chart your baby's daily … colic episodes are likely to occur. You may be able to help prevent or decrease crying episodes during those times: …
Health topics
… managed. When you treat a disease early, you may be able to prevent or delay problems from the disease. Treating the … to ask about next steps. You may be able to take steps to prevent a disease or ask about more testing or treatment. … aortic aneurysm (AAA) . The Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care recommends a screening test for men …
Health topics
… over-the-counter cold medicines usually don't help treat or prevent fluid in the middle ear. Check with the doctor … are sometimes used. But they don't always work or prevent the fluid from coming back. Most children won't need … help keep the fluid from coming back, improve hearing, and prevent repeat ear infections. These tubes stay in place for …
Health topics
… preterm labour and stillbirth. The same steps that can help prevent COVID-19 will also help prevent other viral infections, like colds and influenza … preterm labour and stillbirth. The same steps that can help prevent COVID-19 will also help prevent other viral …
Health topics
… Folic acid Find out about folic acid, including its role in preventing birth defects, how much you need and where to find it: Pregnancy and folic acid (folate): Preventing neural tube defects (HealthLinkBC File #38c) …
Health topics
… or lungs. footnote 2 Strict bedrest is no longer used to prevent preterm labour. But your doctor may recommend … If your doctor or midwife suggests expectant management for preventing preterm labour, discuss the benefits and risks in … or lungs. footnote 2 Strict bedrest is no longer used to prevent preterm labour. But your doctor may recommend …
Health topics
… baby's safety. Before delivery, you will get medicines to: Prevent seizures, known as eclampsia. (Magnesium sulfate prevents seizures.) Control severe high blood pressure. … baby's safety. Before delivery, you will get medicines to: Prevent seizures, known as eclampsia. (Magnesium sulfate …
Health topics
… birth control, you can use emergency contraception to help prevent pregnancy. The most effective emergency … another method of birth control for the next 48 hours to prevent pregnancy. Consider using emergency contraception if … birth control, you can use emergency contraception to help prevent pregnancy. The most effective emergency …