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Health topics
… Physiotherapy for Back Pain On this page: Treatment Overview Treatment Overview Physiotherapy may help you when back pain makes it hard to move … make daily tasks and activities easier. For example, physiotherapy may help with walking, going up stairs, or getting …
Health topics
… is numbness of the upper or lower lip (paresthesia). Other risks include infection, bleeding (hemorrhage), … is numbness of the upper or lower lip (paresthesia). Other risks include infection, bleeding (hemorrhage), …
Health topics
… few seconds, and then lift yourself and move the ball to another area. "Roll" your back over the ball. You can also do … in the sock to keep the tennis balls right next to each other. Put the stuffed sock behind your back so that one … few seconds, and then lift yourself and move the ball to another area. "Roll" your back over the ball. You can also do …
Health topics
… science that using tea tree oil is helpful with these or other health problems. Risks Tea tree oil applied to the … science that using tea tree oil is helpful with these or other health problems. Risks Tea tree oil applied to the …
Health topics
… Overview Some people inherit one sickle cell gene and one other defective hemoglobin gene. This can result in various … … Overview Some people inherit one sickle cell gene and one other defective hemoglobin gene. This can result in various …
Health topics
… Give "physical" chores, like cleaning the floor, to others. Trade chores with a friend. If you have a skill you … Give "physical" chores, like cleaning the floor, to others. Trade chores with a friend. If you have a skill you …
Health topics
… in your diet and from supplements. Take corticosteroids or other medicines that may thin your bones. Have more than … in your diet and from supplements. Take corticosteroids or other medicines that may thin your bones. Have more than …
Health topics
… ski trails in the winter and the hiking trails at other times of year. She increased her exercise slowly. She … ski trails in the winter and the hiking trails at other times of year. She increased her exercise slowly. She …
Health topics
… more medicine to your lungs. If your doctor has given you other inhaled medicines or steroid pills, take them as … more medicine to your lungs. If your doctor has given you other inhaled medicines or steroid pills, take them as …
Health topics
… than what is expected by adults. Teens understand that others have differing viewpoints. But they often firmly … than what is expected by adults. Teens understand that others have differing viewpoints. But they often firmly …