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HealthLinkBC files
… Spanish Document Vietnamese Document Tigrinya Protect your children. Get all their vaccines on time. The vaccines are …
HealthLinkBC files
… and worsen symptoms of existing asthma or COPD Risks to children and youth: using nicotine in adolescence can impact …
… deafness, lung/brain problems, or harm to an unborn baby). Preventing these infections through vaccination is very … into a muscle. Adults usually get 1 dose of the vaccine and children usually get 2 doses of the vaccine. Ask your health … deafness, lung/brain problems, or harm to an unborn baby). Preventing these infections through vaccination is very …
HealthLinkBC files
… often comes from the older woman's spouse, partner or adult children. For an older man, the abuse or neglect is more … Women are more likely than men to experience abuse in their younger years, which may continue into later life. The … the following HealthLinkBC Files: HealthLinkBC File #93a Preventing Abuse and Neglect in Older Adults HealthLinkBC …
Health topics
… over it. Early treatment usually can reverse amblyopia. The younger your child is when treatment starts, the more likely … eyes (strabismus), and defects in visual acuity in children younger than 5 years of age. footnote 1 If you have concerns …
Health topics
… When you think of humour therapy, picture clowns in the children's ward of a hospital cheering up sick children. Some hospitals now have humour carts that provide … When you think of humour therapy, picture clowns in the children's ward of a hospital cheering up sick children. …
Health topics
… for strollers. Some strollers have a space for older children to sit or stand behind a baby. A heavier child … carts Most injuries from shopping carts involve children younger than 5 years. Broken bones, internal injuries, and … carts Most injuries from shopping carts involve children younger than 5 years. Broken bones, internal injuries, and …
HealthLinkBC files
Health topics
… such as a bad smell. What causes it? Most people get staph poisoning by eating contaminated food. The most common … such as a bad smell. What causes it? Most people get staph poisoning by eating contaminated food. The most common …
… on your medical condition and response to treatment. For children, the dose is also based on weight. Shake the … especially QT prolongation (see above). Babies (especially younger than 6 weeks) may be at higher risk for a certain … especially QT prolongation (see above). Babies (especially younger than 6 weeks) may be at higher risk for a certain …