4426 results found
… may increase if you use certain drugs (such as diuretics/"water pills") or if you have conditions such as severe … salt (hyponatremia), especially if they are also taking "water pills" (diuretics) with this medication. Loss of … may increase if you use certain drugs (such as diuretics/"water pills") or if you have conditions such as severe …
… (hyponatremia), especially if they are also taking "water pills" (diuretics). Loss of coordination can increase … (hyponatremia), especially if they are also taking "water pills" (diuretics). Loss of coordination can increase …
HealthLinkBC files
… shade or in a cool area inside Go to large parks that have water features and lots of trees as they may be cooler and breezier. You can also look for splash pads, waterparks, or pools that are age-appropriate Using a more … milk or formula than usual, as well as small amounts of water between feedings. You can also offer extra “snacks” …
Health topics
… Skin irritation, burning, and blistering. Pain. Scarring. Infection. Pigment changes. Nerve damage. Why might your … for 6 days. Then you remove the tape and soak the warts in water. You may have to repeat these steps for up to 2 … for 6 days. Then you remove the tape and soak the warts in water. You may have to repeat these steps for up to 2 …
Health topics
… Risk factors are things that make you more likely to get an infection. Sometimes the doctor takes a sample of tissue … warts may come back because treatment doesn't kill the HPV infection that causes them. Talk to your doctor if you want … Warts are large. How can you prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs)? Here are some ways to help prevent STIs. …
HealthLinkBC files
… see HealthLinkBC File #106 Group A Streptococcal Infections . Staphylococcus aureus are found in the nose or … not harmful, and only cause mild nose, throat or skin infections. In some cases, SA infections can result in TSS. SA makes several toxins and …
Health topics
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Health topics
… most. You can make your own cold pack: Mix 3 cups (750 mL) water and 1 cup (250 mL) rubbing alcohol in a freezer bag. … you can use an otoscope to help you decide if an ear infection is present. Inexpensive consumer-model otoscopes … Test Home Ear Examination Organizing Your Medical Records Preventing Poisoning in Young Children Pulse Measurement …
Health topics
… is used exactly as directed , it is about 84% effective for preventing pregnancy. This means that about 16 out of 100 … The diaphragm doesn't protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as herpes or HIV. If you're not sure … is used exactly as directed , it is about 84% effective for preventing pregnancy. This means that about 16 out of 100 …