4425 results found
Health topics
… that needed to replace an ICD battery. You could get an infection where the ICD is placed. The ICD could shock the … that needed to replace an ICD battery. You could get an infection where the ICD is placed. The ICD could shock the … that needed to replace an ICD battery. You could get an infection where the ICD is placed. The ICD could shock the …
Medical tests
… If the infected person does not have symptoms of infection, they may be a carrier or have a chronic infection. These tests are specific for Giardia lamblia and do not test for other intestinal infections that cause similar symptoms. People may get …
Health topics
… Overview Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) is an infection of fluid that builds up in the belly. It causes … swelling inside the belly. It may also cause a fever. This infection most often occurs when a person has had cirrhosis … Sometimes the fluid builds up without a clear cause. This infection is serious. Even if your symptoms are mild, you …
Health topics
… pregnancy and to physical pressure on the bladder . Bladder infections are more common during pregnancy. When a bladder infection develops during pregnancy, you may have discomfort … to urinate but pass only a small amount of urine. Bladder infections during pregnancy may increase your risk of kidney …
Medical tests
… . The antibodies are made by the immune system to fight an infection. Mono tests include: Rapid mono test. This test detects a type of antibody that forms during certain infections. Rapid mono testing can usually detect antibodies … The rapid mono test is done to help diagnose a recent mono infection. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) antibody testing is also …
… needs. Uses This medication is used to treat bacterial ear infections. It is used to treat middle ear infections in children with ear tubes, as well as outer ear infections (also known as swimmer's ear) in children and …
Health topics
… Children who have their tonsils removed for repeated throat infections may have fewer infections for a few years after surgery. But over time, … children who do not have surgery also have fewer throat infections. Adults who have their tonsils removed after …
Health topics
… Overview Rheumatic fever is a bacterial infection that can cause problems with the heart's aortic … certain strains of streptococcal bacteria. A strep throat infection that isn't properly treated can trigger rheumatic … have rheumatic fever develop rheumatic heart disease. This infection causes swelling and muscle damage to the heart. It …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Immediately run cold water over the hot tar or hot plastic to cool the tar or … we develop our content . … Overview Immediately run cold water over the hot tar or hot plastic to cool the tar or …