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HealthLinkBC files
… mother has hepatitis B, or is at high risk of hepatitis B infection. A baby who has a household member or caregiver … For a list of those who are at higher risk of hepatitis B infection, see HealthLinkBC File #25a Hepatitis B vaccine . … When a mother is infected with hepatitis B, or at risk of infection, her baby will receive 2 immunizations at birth. …
… properly care for the tube insertion site and how to avoid infection. Also learn how to store and discard medical … bloody/black/tarry stools stomach/abdominal pain signs of infection (such as fever, chills) … properly care for the tube insertion site and how to avoid infection. Also learn how to store and discard medical …
Health topics
… exercise when they want. A pump can be an important tool in preventing problems like very low blood sugar. But using an … your infusion set and the infusion site. Take care to avoid infection. Infusion sites can get infected. It's important … connected when they go swimming, but most pumps aren't waterproof. You may be able to put yours into a waterproof …
Health topics
… by infected mosquitoes. The West Nile virus is one type of infection that may be spread by mosquitoes. Most infections are mild. Symptoms usually appear within 3 to 15 … other illnesses caused by bacterial, viral, or parasitic infections. You may have malaria if you have symptoms of …
HealthLinkBC files
… stem deformities and even death of the tree. Exposure to airborne Douglas-fir tussock moth hairs and shed skins during … over infested areas. What is Foray 48B ® ? Foray 48B® is a water-based product that contains a bacterium called … after the treatment. These can be removed by washing with water. Are there any health concerns? Health Canada's Pest …
Health topics
… you use canned vegetables, drain and rinse them with fresh water. This removes some—but not all—of the salt. Or choose … a recipe calls for. Don't cook with (or drink) softened water. Try a low-sodium cookbook. It can be a big help if … you use canned vegetables, drain and rinse them with fresh water. This removes some—but not all—of the salt. Or choose …
Health topics
… contractions in 1 hour, even after you've had a glass of water and are resting. You may have other symptoms, such as … sent home until they are in active labour or until their "water" ( amniotic sac ) breaks. Active labour Active labour … contractions in 1 hour, even after you've had a glass of water and are resting. You may have other symptoms, such as …
Medical tests
… is both an electrolyte and a mineral. It helps keep the water (the amount of fluid inside and outside the body's … A urine test to check sodium levels is done to: Check the water and electrolyte balance of the body. Find the cause of … is both an electrolyte and a mineral. It helps keep the water (the amount of fluid inside and outside the body's …
Health topics
… with the hepatitis C virus will develop long-term (chronic) infection. Some people who have chronic hepatitis C will go … you had when you were diagnosed. How long you've had the infection. Your age when you were infected. How much alcohol … with the hepatitis C virus will develop long-term (chronic) infection. Some people who have chronic hepatitis C will go …
Health topics
… after urination (post-void residual urine). A urinary tract infection (UTI) . But repeated urinary tract infections can also be caused by long-term inflammation or infection in the prostate (chronic prostatitis). Other …