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4917 results found
Health topics
… Until a cleft palate is treated with surgery, it can cause problems with feeding, speech, and hearing. What causes it? … it looks. A small cleft in the soft palate may cause more problems—because of its effect on speech—than a large cleft … easy to see. A baby with a cleft palate often has feeding problems, because he or she isn't able to suck and swallow …
Health topics
… up in the blood and lead to intellectual disability and problems with the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). Early treatment can help prevent most problems. Babies born with PKU need to start treatment soon … include: A musty odour to the skin, hair, and urine. Skin problems. Being sensitive to light. Without early treatment, …
Health topics
… in male babies. And it can be linked to other medical problems that your doctor may want to check for. In rare … to run in families. It may also be linked to other medical problems, such as Down syndrome and congenital heart … of Hirschsprung disease can depend on how severe the problem is and how old the child is. Most newborns pass …
Health topics
… had a case of dandruff. Even though you might think these problems just affect your appearance, they can make you feel … the health of your skin, hair, and nails so you can prevent problems like an ingrown nail, a rash, or a life-threatening problem like melanoma (skin cancer). Our topics are here to …
Health topics
… may squeeze or partly block the urethra. This often causes problems with urinating. BPH occurs in almost all men as they age. It is a common problem in older men. BPH is not cancer. But an enlarged … than others. What are the symptoms? BPH causes urinary problems such as trouble starting and stopping the flow of …
Health topics
… sugar level Use this form to record a low blood sugar level problem. Fill out a record each time this happens. Take the … child's doctor. If your child is having low blood sugar problems, his or her medicine for diabetes may need to be … How long symptoms lasted: Blood sugar levels during the problem: Kind and amount of glucose or sucrose tablets or …
Health topics
… not a disease. Often, you can't tell how serious the problem is until you also look at the other symptoms. … Have you had surgery in the past 2 weeks? Surgery can cause problems that make you cough. Yes Recent surgery No Recent … breathing more than a stuffy nose Would you describe the problem as severe, moderate, or mild ? Severe Severe …
Health topics
… dysplasia? Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is a problem in a baby's hip joint. It may also be called … thigh bone doesn't fit tightly into the hip socket. This problem may affect one or both hip joints. A baby may be … it goes on, the more likely it is to cause long-term hip problems. What causes it? The exact cause of developmental …
Medical tests
… A digital (finger) rectal examination is done to check for problems with organs or other structures in the pelvis and … check on symptoms, such as a change in urination. Not all problems of the prostate can be felt through the rectum. Check for problems in a woman's reproductive organs , such as the …
Health topics
… and depressive episodes in bipolar disorder. Treat mood problems linked with schizophrenia, such as depression. … They may work in the brain to help with emotions and mood problems. What about side effects? Mood stabilizers can have … go away after a while. But sometimes side effects can be a problem or can be serious. If you're having problems with …