4917 results found
… Uses Taliglucerase is used to treat a certain rare genetic problem (Gaucher disease). Taliglucerase replaces a certain … This medication improves blood, bone, liver, and spleen problems caused by Gaucher disease. Taliglucerase does not correct the genetic problem, and treatment must be continued for life. How To …
Medical tests
… Rh) that occur on red blood cells can sometimes also cause problems. So they are also checked for a match before giving … Rh blood type is even more important for pregnant women. A problem can occur when a woman who has Rh-negative blood … has occurred, the baby can develop mild to severe problems (called Rh disease or erythroblastosis fetalis ). …
Medical tests
… A myelogram may be done to find a tumour, an infection, problems with the spine such as a herniated disc , or … canal (spinal stenosis). A tumour or infection causing problems with the spinal cord or nerve roots. A spinal disc … of the membrane that covers the brain and spinal cord. Problems with the blood vessels to the spine. This test may …
Medical tests
… who have had stomach or intestinal surgery, small intestine problems, or people with a family history of this anemia. … sting or pinch. Risks There is very little chance of a problem from having a blood sample taken from a vein. You … may become swollen after the blood sample is taken. This problem is called phlebitis. A warm compress can be used …
Medical tests
… cause of headaches. Help diagnose a stroke or blood vessel problems in the head. Problems with blood vessels may include an aneurysm or … from the ears to the brain ( auditory nerves ). Look for problems of the pituitary gland . Investigate or follow a …
Health topics
… What is retinal detachment? Retinal detachment is an eye problem that happens when the retina, a thin membrane of … about your symptoms. You will be asked about your past eye problems and risk factors. The doctor will also test your … don't find retinal detachment itself. But they can find problems that could lead to or result from retinal …
Medical tests
… how well it's being absorbed by your intestines. Look for problems that cause your bones to lose calcium. See how well your kidneys are working. Check for problems with the parathyroid glands . A urine calcium test … discomfort. Risks There is very little chance of having a problem from this test. Results Normal Each lab has a …
Medical tests
… that take place during the menstrual cycle , and any problems that may need medical attention. The best time to … you check for vaginal sores, abnormal discharge, or other problems, such as genital warts . How To Prepare To do a … infection or an open sore. Risks Normally, there are no problems from doing a vaginal self-examination. Results A …
Medical tests
… When the reason for the death may be an unknown medical problem. If there are questions about a sudden death that … be from natural causes. If there are concerns about genetic problems that family members may also be at risk for. When … and talking with the person's doctors about known medical problems. Depending on how the person died, the police and …
Health topics
… cardiomyopathy? Restrictive cardiomyopathy is a serious problem that makes your heart muscle stiff. When your heart … never found. But there are a number of diseases or problems that can lead to it. These include: Cardiac … you live longer. You may also have other treatment for the problem that is causing restrictive cardiomyopathy. For …