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5936 results found
Healthy eating
… it on your calendar like you would any other event. If you have a plan, it is more likely to happen. Everyone can help … together is a great way to connect with each other and have fun! Use a combination of fresh ingredients and … depression better grades and higher scores on achievement tests at school The benefits of eating together are greatest
Health topics
… tract fistulas. Radiation treatment for pelvic cancer. A period of inflammatory bowel disease (including … can cause soiling problems that you cannot control. If you have a vaginal fistula that opens into the urinary tract, … a speculum to look at the vaginal walls. You may have other tests, such as: The use of dye in the vagina (and maybe the …
Health topics
… (flu) . Flu symptoms are worse and come on faster. If you have the flu, you may feel very tired. You may also have a … all instructions on the label. No one younger than 18 should take aspirin. It has been linked to Reye syndrome, a … it easier to get a URI and harder to get rid of one. When should I call for help? Call 9-1-1 anytime you think you may …
Health topics
… an orthodontic wire, gets stuck in a wound, you may need to have it removed by a doctor. You can also have problems from … sex that matches the body parts (such as ovaries, testes, prostate, breasts, penis, or vagina) you now have in the … health . If you have a condition such as diabetes, HIV, cancer, or heart disease, you may need to pay closer …
Health topics
… fluids a few hours before bed. Pregnancy can make you have to urinate—a lot. If you go to bed with an empty bladder, you're less likely to have to get up in the night to go to the bathroom. Let … drink it. Limit caffeine to 300 milligrams a day. Try to have just 1 or two cups of coffee a day or 2 cups of tea, …
Health topics
… good body mechanics can help prevent tension in your neck, shoulders, and upper back muscles. If your headaches seem to … Use good body mechanics all the time, not just when you have a headache or back pain. Here are some things you can … with your lower back supported, feet flat on the floor, and shoulders relaxed. If you sit a lot, take breaks once an …
Health topics
… you won't be able to get outside. Those are the days to have an indoor dance party, exercise with toy hoops, or set … you won't be able to get outside. Those are the days to have an indoor dance party, exercise with toy hoops, or set …
… How To Use This Information This is a summary and does NOT have all possible information about this product. This … if you have a personal/family history of a certain type of cancer (medullary thyroid carcinoma). While using this … your last dose of this medication, ask your doctor if you should restart the medication with the low dose to reduce …
Health topics
… If you carry group B streptococcal bacteria, you may have the bacteria but have no infection from it. But … causes it? Group B strep bacteria normally exist in the intestine, vagina, or rectum. If you carry group B … birth before to a child with group B strep infection, you should be treated with antibiotics. You should also be …
Health topics
… Learning Center Learn about back and neck pain Most people have back and neck pain from time to time. Some people have … Pain Low Back Pain: Exercises to Reduce Pain Low Back Pain: Should I Have an MRI? Herniated Disc: Should I Have Surgery? Health Topics Medical Tests Make a Wise Decision Take Action Open/close …