5934 results found
Health topics
… What Happens When to Call a Doctor Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview Self-Care Surgery Related … stenosis takes a long time to develop, and you may not have symptoms for many years. But as the problem gets worse, you may have symptoms such as chest pain or pressure, dizziness, or …
Health topics
… wrists. They can also develop on feet, ankles, knees, or shoulders. A ganglion can grow out of a joint capsule, which … (the fibres connecting muscle to bone). Ganglions aren't cancerous. Most people with ganglions notice that the bumps … own. Anyone can get a ganglion, but children don't usually have them. What causes them? Experts don't know the exact …
Health topics
… page: Health Tools Symptoms Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview Home Treatment … sensation and movement. People with restless legs syndrome have an unpleasant feeling or sensation in parts of their bodies when they lie down to sleep. Most people also have a very strong urge to move, and moving sometimes makes …
Health topics
… and loss of feeling in the feet, legs, and hands. When you have peripheral neuropathy, you may have less feeling in your fingers and toes. You may have … to feel touch, temperature, and pain. Sometimes nerve tests are needed. These include electromyography and nerve …
Medical tests
… to collect the sample of fluid. A culture and sensitivity test is usually done on the sample of fluid. Before the test, your child may get medicine to help relax. Or a doctor … is a lot of earwax, it is removed from the ear before the test begins. The child is held very still while the fluid is …
Health topics
… Sickle beta-thalassemia. Someone with this disease may have mild to severe sickle cell disease. Hemoglobin SC disease. A person with this disease may have generally milder symptoms and a longer lifespan than a … to severe. Hemoglobin Electrophoresis Test Sickle Cell Disease Sickle Cell Test Sickle Cell Trait …
Health topics
… personal items, such as towels and nail clippers. If you have athlete's foot, the fungus can spread from your skin to your nails. You can have fungi on your skin without getting a nail infection. If … under the infected nail or a sample of the nail itself. Tests to examine the samples include: KOH preparation, to …
Health topics
… small risk that you can spread the virus even if you don't have blisters. What are the symptoms? The first symptoms of … lips. A blister usually forms within 24 hours. You may also have a sore mouth, a fever, a sore throat, or swollen glands … with the herpes simplex virus. You probably won't need any tests. If it's not clear that you have cold sores, herpes …
Health topics
… allergies—may cause eosinophilic esophagitis. People who have eosinophilic esophagitis often have other types of allergies too, like hay fever, eczema, … symptoms. The doctor will also do an endoscopy. For this test, the doctor puts a thin, flexible tube down your throat …
… How To Use This Information This is a summary and does NOT have all possible information about this product. This … effects, including death. To lower your risk, your doctor should have you use the smallest dose of diazepam that works, and use it for the shortest possible time. Be sure you know how to use diazepam and …