5936 results found
Health topics
… health plan's website or a local hospital's website may have programs you can use for free to do this. And your … For example, you can type in results of blood pressure tests you do at home. And when you see your doctor for a … health plan's website or a local hospital's website may have programs you can use for free to do this. And your …
Health topics
… way to measure kidney function. Your doctor will also use a test that measures the amount of protein in your urine and … and monitoring. 5 Kidney failure Below 15 Start dialysis, have a kidney transplant, or choose hospice palliative care … and monitoring. 5 Kidney failure Below 15 Start dialysis, have a kidney transplant, or choose hospice palliative care …
HealthLinkBC files
… to kill any germs that could make your baby sick. This should be done for a baby of any age. First wash: Gather the … to your baby if it feels cool or slightly warm, not hot. To test the temperature, shake the bottle 1 to 2 times, then … you start Infant formula: What you need to know If you have questions about feeding your baby, contact your health …
Health topics
… expectant management at home or in the hospital. Where you have it depends on how severe your pre-eclampsia is. Expectant management at home If you have signs of pre-eclampsia early in pregnancy, your doctor … baby will have more frequent electronic monitoring and lab tests. Pre-Eclampsia Current as …
Health topics
… often with the help of a friend or family member. You have choices for how long and how often you do it. You can … the dialysis access . The type of dialysis access you have will depend in part on how quickly you need to start … What To Expect About once a month, you will have blood tests to make sure you are getting the right amount of …
Health topics
… will ask you questions about your symptoms, foods you have recently eaten, and your work and home environments. A blood test or spinal fluid test may be done to confirm the … often prevent infection of the fetus or newborn. Babies who have listeriosis receive the same antibiotics as adults, …
Health topics
… What is rotavirus? Rotavirus is a virus that infects the intestinal tract. You can get rotavirus more than once, but … upset and diarrhea. Babies and very young children who have rotavirus infections need to be watched closely, … a fever and diarrhea follow. Most children with rotavirus have very watery diarrhea that seems like a large amount for …
Health topics
… end of one day, they may feel good about themselves. They have fun with their friends, have done well at school, and are happy at home. The next … not the child. For instance, if your daughter cheated on a test, explain to her that the behaviour of cheating is not …
Health topics
… when you lose consciousness. You don't pass out when you have a drug or alcohol blackout. In a blackout, you lose … eat dinner, wash dishes, or watch television. But later you have no memory of doing them. Many people who have blackouts … to your doctor about your blackouts. You might need to be tested for other problems that can cause loss of …
Health topics
… red and warm to the touch. Bursitis is most common in the shoulder , elbow , hip , and knee . It may also occur near … or get worse even after treatment, you may need other tests. Your doctor may drain fluid from the bursa and test … to strengthen the muscles around your joints. If you have severe bursitis, your doctor may use a needle to remove …