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Health topics
… work. There will be times when you just don't feel like testing and tracking your blood sugar. There are ways to … focus on one day at a time. Do the best you can. You don't have to be perfect. Remember that diabetes is a part of your life, but it does not have to take over your life. Also, remember that you are not …
Health topics
… example, admitting that they are in pain might mean blood tests, which may be painful themselves. Some children may … ignore their pain rather than take medicines, which often have discomforting side effects. Pain isn't a visible … is present. And experts say that children rarely pretend to have pain. Many children who have chronic conditions …
Health topics
… Hypertension is high blood pressure. "I didn't have any blood pressure problems until after I'd been quite … for about 10 years," Izzy says. But when her blood pressure tests were a little high, she knew her health could be at … food. "They're always my entree, you might say. When I have meat or rice or something like that, it's like a side …
Health topics
… and the crib can collapse. Lead-free paint. Older cribs may have paint that has lead in it. Babies can get lead … hazards. Use only mattresses designed for the crib. You should not be able to fit more than two fingers in the space … is 90 cm (35 in.) tall, they have outgrown the crib and should sleep in a bed. Remove mobiles and activity gyms from …
Health topics
… is more likely than with standard allergy shots. All shots should be given in a doctor's office or clinic so that … care is available. Rush immunotherapy may be done if: You have a life-threatening allergy to insect venom, and the … is more likely than with standard allergy shots. All shots should be given in a doctor's office or clinic so that …
Health topics
… fluid balance, and breaking down the foods you eat. If you have kidney or liver problems, changing your diet can help … disease means your kidneys aren’t working as well as they should to filter waste and get rid of extra fluid from your …
Health topics
… is surgery to take out the spleen. You may have your spleen taken out because a disease made it get too big. Or maybe your spleen no longer works as it should. The doctor also may remove the spleen if it was … it get too big. Or maybe your spleen no longer works as it should. The doctor also may remove the spleen if it was …
Health topics
… occurs along with hepatitis B. How is it diagnosed? Blood tests are used to diagnose viral hepatitis. In their early … hard to tell apart. But within weeks after infection, blood tests can show which virus is the cause of hepatitis. (An exception is hepatitis E, for which a blood test is not widely available.) Hepatitis …
HealthLinkBC files
… What is cyclosporiasis? Cyclosporiasis is a foodborne intestinal infection caused by Cyclospora parasites. What are … an even longer illness. A person can be infected and have no symptoms. How is cyclosporiasis spread? The disease … by outbreaks of Cyclospora infection. These outbreaks have been linked to eating contaminated, imported fresh …
Health topics
… or suffocate your baby. Use car seats and seat belts, and have your child wear a helmet when biking, skiing, or … or her alone in the bathtub. Older children with epilepsy should take showers instead of baths. Tell your child's … or her alone in the bathtub. Older children with epilepsy should take showers instead of baths. Tell your child's …