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5936 results found
… How To Use This Information This is a summary and does NOT have all possible information about this product. This … precautions, drug interactions or adverse effects nor should it be construed to indicate that use of a particular … effective for you or anyone else. A healthcare professional should be consulted before taking any drug, changing any …
Health topics
… more quickly. To remove a disc battery from the nose, have the child breathe through his or her mouth since the … from the nose may occur. This usually is not serious and should be stopped by firmly pinching the nose shut for 10 … from the nose may occur. This usually is not serious and should be stopped by firmly pinching the nose shut for 10 …
Health topics
… there isn't a clear cause for back pain. Children can have back pain after an injury or sports event. It can also … that occurs right after an injury or an athletic event should be checked by a doctor. Back pain that is severe … that occurs right after an injury or an athletic event should be checked by a doctor. Back pain that is severe …
Health topics
… eye. If you are caring for a child who can't hold still, have another adult help you. Wash your hands before touching … of tissue and touch the end of it to the object. The object should cling to the swab or tissue. Some minor irritation is … of tissue and touch the end of it to the object. The object should cling to the swab or tissue. Some minor irritation is …
Health topics
… there are times when you choose not to use gloves or don't have any, keep your hands as clean as possible. After coming … gloves Be sure the gloves are the right size. They should fit close but should not be too tight. If the gloves are too big, they can …
Health topics
… blood transfusion is done in the hospital. The mother may have to stay overnight after the procedure. What To Expect A … suggests anemia. The bilirubin result from amniocentesis testing shows that the fetus is moderately to severely … cord: footnote 1 More than 90% of fetuses that do not have hydrops survive. About 75% of fetuses that have hydrops …
Health topics
… of place. It may slip out of the anus when you strain to have a bowel movement. Rectal prolapse is most common in … A feeling of having full bowels and an urgent need to have a bowel movement. Passage of many very small stools. … how strongly the anal sphincter contracts. You may need tests to rule out other conditions. For example, you may …
HealthLinkBC files
… 30 years of age. Since the discovery of vCJD in 1995, there have been more than 200 cases of vCJD reported worldwide. Most cases have occurred in the United Kingdom (UK). A few cases of … A tentative diagnosis of vCJD is made based on: Symptoms Tests on the fluid surrounding the spinal cord Brain images …
Health topics
… Overview Overview Most insulin pumps have the same basic features: The ability to program more … and locks. The ability to "remember" how much insulin you have used for both your basal rate and your meal boluses. … extra alarms you can set to wake you up or remind you to test your blood sugar? Is there a lock-out feature so that …
Health topics
… family about asthma is essential for you and your child to have control of the disease. If you understand asthma, you … can help your child follow his or her treatment plans. You should have a copy of your child's asthma action plan (which … can help your child follow his or her treatment plans. You should have a copy of your child's asthma action plan (which …