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5936 results found
Health topics
… their doctor if they want to stop taking the medicine. They shouldn't stop taking the medicine without talking to their … If they're having problems taking the medicine, they should let their doctor know. Help look for signs that the … their doctor if they want to stop taking the medicine. They shouldn't stop taking the medicine without talking to their …
Health topics
… in place and close the incisions with stitches. You will have thin scars that will fade with time. You won't even see … chronic congestion and breathing problems. Cosmetic surgery should only be done on a fully developed nose. This has … chronic congestion and breathing problems. Cosmetic surgery should only be done on a fully developed nose. This has …
Health topics
… very severe or if non-surgical treatment has not improved shoulder strength and movement sufficiently. Surgery to … of tendon , bursa , and other debris from the space in the shoulder where the rotator cuff moves. (This is called … likely that the rotator cuff tear could worsen. You do not have other shoulder problems, such as arthritis. The rotator …
Health topics
… wean. Gradual weaning happens over time. It lets your baby have more control over when to stop breastfeeding. Abrupt … else take care of your baby for a few days. Your child should stay with a trusted caregiver, such as a spouse, … else take care of your baby for a few days. Your child should stay with a trusted caregiver, such as a spouse, …
Health topics
… usual behaviour. Help with professional treatment If you have permission, you can: Help the person set up and get to … treatment. Don't tell the person that he or she is lazy or should be able to get over it. Keep your relationship as … treatment. Don't tell the person that he or she is lazy or should be able to get over it. Keep your relationship as …
Health topics
… Getting Started Helping with daily activities If you have a family member or other loved one who has coronary … may get worse during hot, humid days, so air conditioners should be used during the summer, if possible. Provide … may get worse during hot, humid days, so air conditioners should be used during the summer, if possible. Provide …
Health topics
… Overview Pain is a long-lasting problem for people who have sickle cell disease . Bouts of severe pain can last for … (such as Tylenol). Children and teens younger than 20 should not be given aspirin, which can cause Reye syndrome . … (such as Tylenol). Children and teens younger than 20 should not be given aspirin, which can cause Reye syndrome . …
Health topics
… Your child may also need a physical examination and other tests to rule out health problems that affect speech … as hearing problems. Talk with your child's doctor if you have any concerns about your child's speech, if stuttering … as hearing problems. Talk with your child's doctor if you have any concerns about your child's speech, if stuttering …
Health topics
… let the person choose when they bathe. Younger people who have no problems with blood flow can bathe more often if … at the groin area and bony areas, such as the elbows and shoulders. Start by filling two basins with warm water. Use … for rinsing the soap off. Use the back of your hand to test the water to make sure it's not too hot. You don't have
Health topics
… of sleep to grow and develop. School-age children may have trouble learning and developing socially if they don't … same order each night so your child knows what to expect. Have your child go to bed at the same time every night and … load. This can prevent the need to study all night before a test or stay up late to do homework. If a teen has trouble …