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6337 results found
Health topics
… Overview A hangnail is the strip of skin that separates from the side of the cuticle. Simple … clean cuticle scissors. Massage hand lotion or cream into your cuticles 2 to 3 times each day. … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… If you have heart failure , symptoms start to happen when your heart cannot pump enough blood to the rest of your body. Shortness of breath While shortness of breath is … long periods. It hurts. Pressure leaves impressions in your skin. Shoes no longer fit. The degree of swelling you …
Medical tests
… much they are affected. These tests check to see how well your spinal nerves are working. They also check the nerves in your arms and legs. Why It Is Done You may need an EMG to … to wear. The electrodes for the test are attached to your skin. Your skin needs to be clean and free of sprays, oils, …
Health topics
… the legs. Help relieve symptoms caused by varicose veins, skin ulcers, and deep vein thrombosis. Help skin ulcers heal … every day while you're awake, especially while you're on your feet. Specially fitted compression stockings are tight … there are different types, it's best to use the kind that your doctor recommends and that work best for you. How do …
Health topics
… (say "duh-pwee-TRAHNZ") disease, tissue under the skin in the palm of your hand, called the palmar fascia, gets thicker and shorter. This can cause your fingers to bend in toward your palm. It most often …
Health topics
… Simple laser vein treatment is done on the outside of your skin. It can treat spider veins and tiny varicose veins just … They may be scheduled every few weeks, as prescribed by your doctor. (If you have poor blood circulation feeding …
Medical tests
… are needed to change galactose into glucose, a sugar that your body uses for energy. A person with galactosemia … heel is poked, and several drops of blood are collected. Your baby may have a tiny bruise where the heel was poked. … or a pinch is usually felt when the lancet punctures the skin. Your baby may have a little discomfort with the skin
Health topics
… The screening is easy. A few drops of blood are taken from your baby's heel and put onto a special card. Your baby may cry, but the screening isn't harmful. You can … they usually cry less if they are breastfeeding and held skin-to-skin. For more information about newborn screening, …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care professional for complete information about … including tuberculosis). You should have tuberculosis (TB) skin tests before and during treatment with this medication. …
Health topics
… at some point during pregnancy. As the size and weight of your growing belly place more strain on your back, you may notice your posture changing. To protect your back from poor …