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6337 results found
Health topics
… weakened and easily reinjured ankle. Proper initial care of your sprained ankle is critical. A compression wrap helps … swelling. If swelling is kept to a minimum, it may help your ankle feel better. Applying a compression wrap is easy … a protective brace, such as a splint or a device to keep your ankle from moving (immobilizer), over a compression …
Health topics
… For Achilles tendinopathy , physiotherapy can decrease your pain. It can allow you to gradually return to your normal activities. For an Achilles tendon rupture, you … and flexibility exercises. These are key to helping your tendon heal without shortening and causing long-term …
Health topics
… surgical procedures that could put bacteria or fungi into your blood. The antibiotics lower your risk of getting endocarditis . These heart conditions … defects). Heart valve problems after a heart transplant. Your doctor can tell you whether you need to take …
Health topics
… to balance the loss from sweating from exercise. To protect yourself from dehydration: Drink plenty of water before, … and forth between rest and exercise. Gradually increasing your exercise may give you more energy. Avoid medicines that … are tranquilizers and cold and allergy medicines. Improve your diet. Eating a balanced diet may give you more energy. …
Health topics
… Have a goal in mind The equipment you choose depends on your physical activity goals. If you would like a stronger … Before you buy a home gym machine, keep in mind that as your activity level and fitness increase, you could move … A treadmill can look smaller in a store than it does in your home. Be sure to measure the amount of space you have …
Health topics
… likely to leave scars. Antibiotics improve the look of your skin by killing bacteria that cause acne. This means you'll … means less acne scarring. You can put antibiotics right on your skin (topical) or take them by mouth. Talk with your
Medical tests
… there's nothing you have to do before this test, unless your doctor tells you to. How It Is Done You will need to … is usually taken from the front, back, top, and sides of your head. Hold your head completely still while the pictures are being …
Health topics
… clean and soft can help prevent cracks and infection in the skin. This is especially important for people who have … the nails softer and easier to trim. Start by gathering your supplies. You will need toenail clippers and a nail … and nail polish remover. To trim the nails: Wash and dry your hands. You don't need to wear gloves. Use nail polish …
Health topics
… receive a minor electrical shock. You may feel tingling in your hand or arm. Usually, this tingling goes away in a few minutes. If you do not have damage to the skin or other symptoms, there is no reason to worry. If your skin is burned by electricity, there is cause for …
Health topics
… work better than those that are applied directly to the skin (topical) because a pill or capsule contains a specific … especially to children. Don't give any antihistamines to your child unless you've checked with the doctor first. The … epilepsy, or an enlarged prostate. Antihistamines can cause your other health problems to get worse and also may …