6337 results found
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… for "BReast CAncer." BRCA gene changes aren't common. Your doctor may talk to you about testing based on your family medical history or your personal medical history. Your doctor may ask you …
Health topics
… be exciting, mysterious, and exhausting. During pregnancy, your body does a ton of work to support the growth of your baby. And even though you can't feel it yet, your baby is growing and changing very fast. Wondering what …
Health topics
… On Inside On this page: Overview Overview Around this time, your baby is getting ready to do a very important thing that … need to do in the outside world: Breathe. Wondering what your baby looks like at 32 weeks? Your baby is now about the size of a cabbage. Average baby …
Health topics
… to list what you enjoy and what is hard for you. You and your doctor can use this information to come up with an … you? Describe what you do to stretch, strengthen, and move your body. Write down how often and how long you do each … of someone you can buddy up with for exercise. What gets in your way? Which of the problems below are you worried about …
Health topics
… more active is one of the best things you can do to improve your health and quality of life. But you may wonder how you … exercise a habit. Before you start an exercise program on your own, it's always a good idea to talk to your doctor. This is especially important when you are older …
Health topics
… you live. Or maybe you weren't able to get permission from your guardian. People who have a self-managed medical … about medical abortions, you will know how to take care of yourself. Be sure to call your doctor or get care if you're having problems after a …
Health topics
… is one way to prevent injury or death from burns. Keep your family safe by following these safety tips. Teach … reach. Use at least one smoke alarm on every level of your home. Be sure to put an alarm outside sleeping areas … as a dorm, make sure you know the number of doors between your room and the nearest emergency exit. Keep fire …
Health topics
… toes. But what about vision and hearing?How can you be sure your baby's senses are developing? Here are some things to … eyes. (You're probably spending a lot of time gazing into your baby's eyes!) It's not uncommon for babies' eyes to … at times. It"s normal in the first three months until your baby develops proper eye coordination, but by 6 months …
Health topics
… you need. How can you manage IBS with diet? Changing your eating habits You can manage your IBS by limiting or not eating foods that may bring on … plenty of fluids. Be sure to drink water in addition to your other beverages. If you have kidney, heart, or liver …
HealthLinkBC files
… babies are ready to start solid foods around 6 months old. Your child can eat many of the same foods enjoyed by the … that: Are prepared to a safe texture. Offer new textures as your baby gets older Have different tastes and colours Are … Prepare foods so that they’re a safe size and texture for your child: Breakfast ideas 6-12 months One year and older …