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… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care professional for complete information about this product and your specific health needs. Uses Betahistine is used to …
Health topics
… are the signs? You probably won't be able to feel whether your baby is breech. But if you are 36 or more weeks … and think you feel the baby's head pressing high up in your belly or you feel kicking in your lower belly, see your doctor for an examination. How is …
Medical tests
… you can expect. And it will help you safely prepare for your test. Preparing for the test Tell your doctor if you are allergic to iodine. Iodine is usually … used in the contrast material that the doctor will put in your bladder. Tell your doctor if you are or might be …
Health topics
… reduction (MBSR) is a program that helps you learn to calm your mind and body to help you cope with illness, pain, and … It's a time to purposefully pay attention and be aware of your surroundings, your emotions, your thoughts, and how your body feels. For …
Health topics
… life can be better. Being active helps you look and feel your best and lowers your risk for a heart attack, type 2 diabetes, high blood … daily activity. It's important to find activities that fit your lifestyle and your personality. To feel your best, you …
Health topics
… do routine tasks. Have trouble concentrating or feel like your mind is in a fog. If the problem is mild, you may be the only one who notices any change in your behaviour. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will listen to your symptoms and examine you. He …
Health topics
… general. So be sure to read the information that came with your medicine. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or doctor. What are some examples? Here are … are used to help: You breathe better. Prevent and improve your asthma symptoms. Reduce asthma attacks. These medicines …
Health topics
… general. So be sure to read the information that came with your medicine. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or doctor. What are some examples? Here are … to help treat HIV. They reduce the amount of virus in your body (viral load). This helps keep your immune system …
Healthy eating
… when high levels of uric acid cause crystals to form in your joints and soft tissues, leading to inflammation, pain and swelling. The amount of uric acid in your body depends on the following: The amount of uric acid your body makes and gets rid of. Your body may naturally …
Health topics
… general. So be sure to read the information that came with your medicine. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or doctor. What are some examples? Here are … If you're having problems with side effects, talk to your doctor. Your doctor may be able to lower your dose or …