6333 results found
Health topics
… you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health. Decision Points focus on key medical care … who plan to have children or are pregnant. If you or your partner has a grandparent with this heritage or a … If tests show that you are a carrier of a genetic disease, your partner also should be tested. In most cases, both …
Health topics
… stop most children from sucking their thumbs. But if your child has a sucking habit around age 4 or older, schedule a visit with your child's doctor or dentist. At home, treatment includes … It may help to limit the times and places that your child is allowed to suck his or her thumb and to put …
Health topics
… wearing spacious, comfortable shoes with good arch support. Your doctor may recommend padding for the heel (heel cup) or … leg straight at the knee, and both feet flat on the floor. Your feet should point directly at the wall or slightly in toward the centre of your body. Keep the knee of the leg nearest the wall centred …
Health topics
… you touch something the child has touched, the eggs get on your hands. Then if you touch food or your mouth, you can swallow the eggs. This starts the cycle … groups of people spend time together. So if one person in your family has pinworms, others probably do too. It's …
Health topics
… To use the cap, apply spermicide to it and place it inside your vagina so that it covers the cervix. (The cervix is the … one time when the cap is in place, apply more spermicide to your vagina each time. After sex, you must leave it in your vagina for at least 6 hours. After it has been in your …
Health topics
… or weakness in the neck, arms, and legs. It can also affect your control of your bowels and bladder. When the spinal canal becomes … A diagnosis of cervical spinal stenosis usually is based on your history of symptoms and a physical examination. Your …
Health topics
… it may disappear or bother you only a little. Don't ignore your pain. Talk to your doctor about it. The doctor can help figure out the … pain occurs in areas where you have lost some or all of your feeling. It's not related to your movements or your …
Health topics
… Vision problems that get worse. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and if they've gotten worse over time. They'll … You may have a physical examination to see how stiff your back is. Your doctor may also want to see whether you …
Medical tests
… (sodium). When a tumour that makes aldosterone is present, your aldosterone level will be high while a renin level will … A low-salt diet can also increase aldosterone levels. Tell your doctor if you are on a low-salt food plan. Do not eat … the toilet. Don't save this urine. This marks the start of your 24-hour period. For the next 24 hours, collect all your …
Health topics
… anxiety. It may make you short of breath or dizzy or make your heart pound. You may feel out of control. Some people … attacks can be scary and so bad that they get in the way of your daily activities. Treatment can help most people have … have another attack. Because of this fear, you may change your daily activities to avoid situations that may trigger …