3460 results found
Health topics
… such as an electromyogram and nerve conduction study, to check for other possible causes for your pain. Learn more … It can range from massage and slow pressing to a quick thrust. Acupuncture. It involves putting tiny needles … It can range from massage and slow pressing to a quick thrust. Acupuncture. It involves putting tiny needles …
Health topics
… cervix into the vagina. Your doctor may teach you how to check the placement of your IUD by feeling the strings. You … on your belly with the other hand. This lets your doctor check the size and position of your uterus. To place the … inside of the vagina and see the cervix. Your doctor will check for signs of infection. Then your doctor will use …
Health topics
… ¾ cup regular pop, or 1 cup hot tea with a tbsp. of honey. Check your blood sugar. Test your blood sugar at least every 2 to 4 hours. Check it more often, even through the night, if it goes up … at night or on weekends. Diabetes: Checking Your Blood Sugar Diabetes: Preventing High Blood …
Health topics
… or rectum) to find all signs of leakage. Urinalysis to check for infection. Blood test (complete blood count) to check for signs of infection in your body. Your doctor may … also use an X-ray, endoscope or MRI to get a clear look and check for all possible tissue damage. How is a vaginal …
… caused by rosacea, such as pimples and bumps on the face. Check the ingredients on the label even if you have used the … Before using this product to treat acne for the first time, check if you are allergic to it. To check, put a small amount on one or two small areas of acne …
Health topics
… than 1 hour a day. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor can check for OCD by asking about your symptoms and your past … You may also get a mental health assessment. This is a check of your emotions and how you think, reason, and … to control the obsessions. Examples include: Washing, or checking that something has been done. Counting, often while …
Medical tests
… cancer that has been treated. The whole-body scan can check to see if cancer has spread to other areas of the … scan is done to: Help find problems with the thyroid gland. Check a thyroid nodule. See whether thyroid cancer has … diet for several days if this test is being done to check for thyroid cancer. For a thyroid scan, you will …
Health topics
… for both of you. Ask a friend to help you get there, or check local bus schedules. If you are a veteran, check with Veterans Affairs Canada for advice or information … social services department or health unit to find out. Check what mental health services are covered by your …
Health topics
… to run your list of medicines through a drug interaction checker. This is a computer program that checks for drugs that can cause problems when you take them … tells you to. Do not use expired medicine. Always check the date on the label. If the medicine is expired, …
Health topics
… such as polymyalgia rheumatica . Thyroid hormone tests to check for low or high thyroid gland activity. Thyroid … fatigue and muscle soreness. A blood calcium level test to check for a low or high calcium level. A low level can cause … such as polymyalgia rheumatica . Thyroid hormone tests to check for low or high thyroid gland activity. Thyroid …