6346 results found
Health topics
… Sleep Problems: Dealing With Jet Lag Actionset Overview You can't wait to go to your sister's wedding and see family … for a while after you get there. But later that night, you have trouble sleeping, even though you're tired. And your … confusion, and feeling sick to your stomach. Other things to do None of the things in the following lists have …
… How To Use This Information This is a summary and does NOT have all possible information about this product. This … that this product is safe, effective, or appropriate for you. This information is not individual medical advice and … the FDA is allowing to be given for emergency use to treat COVID-19. The product is also approved to be used in Canada …
Health topics
… otitis media with effusion. What Increases Your Risk Some things that increase your child's risk of a middle ear … to get ear infections. Learn more Handwashing Immunizations Quick Tips: Successful Breastfeeding Quitting Smoking Symptoms The …
Health topics
… injury. What causes it? Autonomic dysreflexia occurs when your body reacts to pain or pressure below your spinal cord … reaction that causes your blood pressure to go up. Other things that may cause this reaction include: Urinary tract … Tight clothing or devices. Extreme temperatures or quick temperature changes. How can you prevent it? There are …
Healthy eating
… Punjabi Document Spanish Document Vietnamese Introduction Your liver produces bile that helps you digest and absorb … that they need to remove all fat from their diet if they have gallbladder disease. This is usually not necessary. … your doctor gives you different advice, you can follow the tips below. Include a variety of vegetables and fruit. All …
Health topics
… or any surgical hardware in the area? "Hardware" includes things like artificial joints, plates or screws, catheters, … Your age . Babies and older adults tend to get sicker quicker. Your overall health . If you have a condition such … for a jellyfish or Portuguese man-of-war sting Try these tips for caring for a sting from a jellyfish or Portuguese …
Health topics
… Physical activity for youth Last updated January 9, 2013 Some teenagers become … school gets harder, leaving less time to get out and do things. Staying active has huge benefits. Being active helps … at your local community centre about getting started. Tips for being active Warm up first: if you're doing a …
Health topics
… something else is wrong, these symptoms should pass pretty quickly and you should soon feel about as awake and alert as … in the area? "Hardware" in the facial area includes things like cochlear implants or any plates under the skin, … Injuries Objects in the Nose Self-Care Try the following tips to help relieve pain, swelling, bruising, and …
Health topics
… Heart Arrhythmias and Exercise Actionset Overview If you have an irregular heartbeat ( arrhythmia ), it's important … or change your current exercise program, there are some things you can do to make sure it is safe for you. Talk with …
Health topics
… the lower chamber of the heart back into the upper chamber. Your heart has to work harder to pump this extra blood. … valve regurgitation is an emergency. Symptoms come on quickly. They include severe shortness of breath, fast heart … or replaced. You and your doctor can talk about a few things to decide. These things include the cause of the …