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… page: Overview Overview A number of things affect how much milk your breasts make (your milk … have side effects. Building your milk supply Follow these tips to help build and maintain your milk supply. Breastfeed … opens up really wide, like a big yawn. Then bring the baby quickly to your breast—not your breast to the baby. Focus on …
Health topics
… on a painful joint or limb. Using a walking aid can help you be more safe and independent in your daily activities. … in your path when you least expect it. Be sure the rubber tips on your walking aid are clean and in good condition to … in your left hand to leave your right hand free for other things. Hold the cane close to your body so you can push …
HealthLinkBC files
… when that bacteria over-grows. What are the symptoms? If you have bacterial vaginosis, you may not have any symptoms … (human papillomavirus or HPV), and syphilis. Important things to remember when using condoms: Check the condom … about it with your health care provider or a counselor. For tips on how to talk to your partner, visit the BC Centre for …
Health topics
… clots than other types of progestin. footnote 2 Talk to your doctor about the risk of blood clots when deciding … to your doctor about your risks before you use the patch. Things that can increase your risk for a blood clot Some of … Some people have blood that clots too easily or too quickly. Things that may cause increased clotting include: …
Health topics
… Medicines do not cure heart failure. But they can make you feel better, help your heart work better, and help you … Plan times to take your medicines when you are doing other things, like eating a meal or getting ready for bed. This … or the times you take them. Talk with your doctor if you have any changes in your health that might affect your heart …
Health topics
… Neutropenia (say "noo-truh-PEE-nee-uh") means that your blood has too few white blood cells called neutrophils. … B12 or folate . An enlarged spleen . What happens when you have it? When you have neutropenia, you can get infections … off germs as well as it should. Even a mild infection can quickly become serious. So it's important to take extra …
Health topics
… Overview Cause Symptoms What Happens What Increases Your Risk When To Call Examinations and Tests Treatment … social values (such as admiring thinness), and other things that can put someone at risk (such as perfectionism). … often lose weight before their diabetes is discovered, then quickly gain weight when treatment begins. Some learn that …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview When you're pregnant, everything you put in your body can affect … are pregnant? When you're ready to go smoke-free, use these tips to help you quit: Get ready If you're not pregnant, … during these times. Change your routine. Avoid those things that make you reach for a cigarette. Plan ways to …
Health topics
… height can also cause an ACL tear. What Increases Your Risk Things that increase your risk of ACL injuries include: … a blow to the knee. For example, if you change direction quickly while your foot is planted. Having unbalanced leg … but you may be able to help prevent an ACL injury. These tips can help everyone. But females, who are at a higher …
Health topics
… Overview A traumatic event is a very upsetting event that you see or that happens to you or a loved one. It may … your phone. How can you care for yourself? There are a few things you can do after a traumatic event to help care for … that these are hard to do at first. But over time these tips can help. Find a counsellor. You can ask your doctor …