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6346 results found
Health topics
… On Inside On this page: Overview Overview At 28 weeks, your baby may be moving a lot more—and possibly keeping you up at night! Believe it or not, babies find the movement … sleep during the day and are awake at night. Wondering what your baby looks like at 28 weeks? Your baby is now about the …
Health topics
… three need careful attention; they can get very sick. When your toddler has a cough or cold, you might notice a runny nose, cough (which may or may not produce mucus), fever or sore throat. Your toddler may also be irritable.  To support a healthy …
Health topics
… issues, how and where to find help, and what to do if you are in a crisis right now. Image Substance use Find … Image Tobacco use Information about tobacco use and steps you can take to quit smoking. … Mental Health and Substance …
Health topics
… people may drink alcohol to help them go to sleep. But when you drink alcohol, you are more likely to awaken later in the night. Caffeine. … stimulate the body for 3 to 7 hours and can interfere with your sleep as long as it remains in your body. Even the …
Health topics
… Unexplained shoulder pain that does not change when you move your neck, shoulder, or arm or that occurs with symptoms elsewhere in your body (such as in your abdomen or chest) may be referred …
Health topics
… Cleaning Your Young Child's Natural (Uncircumcised) Penis On this page: … back, the area needs to be cleaned every day. Infants and young children A baby's foreskin does not pull back easily for about 6 months. Don't force it. Until you can pull the foreskin back, use warm water to wash the …
Health topics
… Separated pubic symphysis The left and right bones of your pelvic girdle are joined at the front by a narrow … This isn't a dangerous condition. But it can be painful. You can feel the pubic symphysis by pressing on your lower front pelvic bone, just above your genital area. …
Health topics
… by the NNHPD before they can be sold in Canada. Always tell your doctor if you are using a natural health product or if you are thinking about combining one with your conventional …
Health topics
… remove kidney stones. The doctor makes a small incision in your back. The doctor then puts a hollow tube into your kidney and a probe through the tube. In nephrolithotomy … then removes the fragments of the stone through the tube. You need either general anesthesia or regional or spinal …
Health topics
… Information Overview When a doctor asks questions about your child's eating and activity habits, the information … patterns that may lead to extra weight. Nutrition history You may be asked: To describe your family's meals and snacks during a typical day. What …