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Health topics
… injury often causes severe pain that usually goes away quickly without causing permanent damage. Home treatment is … or any surgical hardware in the area? "Hardware" includes things like artificial joints, plates or screws, catheters, … Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) Quick Tips: Safely Giving Over-the-Counter Medicines to Children …
Health topics
… many forms. It can be positive words and actions, helpful tips, or gentle reminders to stay on track. How can your … mind off smoking. Tell them that you'll invite them to do things too. Try going for lunchtime walks, going to movies, … co-worker to come by your desk at this time for a chat or a quick walk. Drinking alcohol is often a trigger. You may …
Health topics
… Radioactivity is ionizing radiation that is given off by things like uranium as they decay. About half of the ionizing radiation we're exposed to comes from nature. It's in rock, soil, and the … to get another cancer later in life. A person who has been exposed to large amounts of radiation from a nuclear …
Health topics
… not alone. You'll be glad to hear that there are plenty of tips and tricks you can use to get yourself back on track … goals to help you get there. Short-term goals are things that you want to do tomorrow and the day after. Did … see: Healthy Eating: Overcoming Barriers to Change . Tips for maintaining your healthy eating plan Remember that …
Health topics
… stay away from infected people. Get vaccinated if you have been around someone who has smallpox. And if you have … been a smallpox outbreak and you think you might have been exposed, call your doctor or local health unit. Do not go … In Canada, provincial and federal health officials would quickly take action. They would keep anyone who might have …
Health topics
… experience only easy successes, they may start to expect quick results and become easily discouraged by failure. Get … Sounds like you've got a few options and can try out for things you know you're good at and things you'd like to be better at. Child: Maybe I'll try out …
Health topics
… test for HIV. Do not have the test. If you believe you've been exposed to HIV, it's important to be tested. Key points to … since my divorce. I'm going to skip it for now, but if things change, I'll consider it. Brian, age 45 What matters …
Health topics
… "jee-AR-dee-uh"). It can happen if you drink water that has been contaminated. How is it spread? You may become infected … especially important for children. They can get dehydrated quickly. Talk to your doctor if you are having problems with … infection to others. How can you prevent it? There are some things you can do to avoid giardiasis. Don't drink untreated …
Health topics
… of treatment your doctor prescribes depends on several things. These include when and how your child was exposed to … when babies test negative for HIV at birth, they may have been exposed to the virus during the birth. Treatment can … These groups can be a good place to share information, tips, and feelings. CD4+ Count Test …
Health topics
… How alcohol affects your health If you don’t want to drink Tips to reduce risks when drinking How do I know if my … not to drink. If you would prefer not to drink, there are things you can do to help you feel less pressured when … more gradual While drinking: Pace yourself. Drinking too quickly can cause you to drink too much and lead to alcohol …