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Health topics
… for work and leisure time. You'll feel more able to do things like playing with your kids, gardening, dancing, or … to add more physical activity to your life, here are some tips to get you started: Make physical activity part of your … Have Young Children Stress Management: Managing Your Time Quick Tips: Having Enough Energy to Stay Active Quick Tips: …
Health topics
… Or the side effects may stop. Here are some important things to think about when taking medicines: Usually the … with your body and with each other. Sometimes the balance tips, and this can cause side effects or medicine … emergency. Even if the symptoms are mild at first, they may quickly become very severe. Take your medicines the right …
Health topics
… you live well with congenital heart disease? Here are some things you can do to help you live well when you have … or drug use, talk to your doctor. Avoid infections such as COVID-19, colds, and influenza (flu). Get the flu vaccine … disease or have a partner that has it, there are a few things you need to think about when planning a pregnancy. …
Health topics
… up and yell, say that you're sorry—even if it's later, when things have calmed down. Saying that you're sorry, or giving … the same problem. How can you be a good role model? The tips below can help you look at your own behaviour and begin … the same problem. How can you be a good role model? The tips below can help you look at your own behaviour and begin …
Health topics
… that a loved one had a traumatic event. People who are exposed to lots of traumatic events can also get ASD. For … You may feel like you're reliving the event (flashbacks). Things that remind you of the event can cause this, like … feel like you're not in your body or that you're watching things from far away. You may not remember important parts …
Health topics
… hear these questions all the time. They can give you tips that may help you. Talk to your partner. Your partner … keep your movements slow and gentle. Be prepared to try new things. You may need to try positions you've never thought … hear these questions all the time. They can give you tips that may help you. Talk to your partner. Your partner …
Health topics
… otitis media with effusion. What Increases Your Risk Some things that increase your child's risk of a middle ear … to get ear infections. Learn more Handwashing Immunizations Quick Tips: Successful Breastfeeding Quitting Smoking Symptoms The …
Health topics
… checkups and screenings. Your doctor may recommend other things based on your personal health history. For example, … clothing. Apply broad-spectrum sunscreen on any exposed skin, even when it's cloudy. Use SPF 30 or higher. … and oral cancer. If you are age 27 to 45 and have not been vaccinated for HPV, ask your doctor if getting the …
Health topics
… health problems can take a little planning. Follow these tips to help you stay safe. Know your strengths and your … about your strengths and what you enjoy doing. If you've been feeling depressed, be sure to talk about that too. Depression can make even the simplest things seem hard. Ask yourself: What do you most like to do? …
Health topics
… immune system ). This makes it easier to avoid infections. Tips for eating when you have COPD The following tips can … Drinking before or during the meal can fill you up more quickly. If you notice that you have belly bloating that … Drinking before or during the meal can fill you up more quickly. If you notice that you have belly bloating that …