4679 results found
Health topics
… attacks. If you're pregnant and have asthma, here are some things to know: If more than one doctor is involved in the … that you have extra protection against influenza (flu) and COVID-19. Get vaccinated for the flu and COVID-19. How can … part of managing asthma during your pregnancy. Try to avoid things that trigger your allergy symptoms (such as tobacco …
Health topics
… system that cannot fight infection. Sepsis can develop very quickly. What are the symptoms? Sepsis causes varied … that could lead to sepsis: Avoid infections such as COVID-19, colds, and influenza (flu). Wash your hands often. … system that cannot fight infection. Sepsis can develop very quickly. What are the symptoms? Sepsis causes varied …
Health topics
… effects bother you, talk to your doctor. There are many things you can do to reduce side effects. Your doctor may be … depressed again. If this is not the first time you have been depressed, your doctor may want you to take your … of counselling that involves the entire family. What other things can you do to treat depression? You may want to try …
Medical tests
… to clump in blood vessels under the skin when the skin is exposed to the cold. This causes pale skin and numbness in … the clumped blood cells can stop the flow of blood to the tips of the fingers, toes, ears, or nose. This is like … feel nothing at all from the needle. Or you might feel a quick sting or pinch. Risks There is very little chance of …
Health topics
… easier and more fun for everyone. Use the following tips to check the safety of baby chairs: On this page: High … is available, such as in a restaurant. Here are some safety tips if you choose to use a hook-on chair: Make sure it's … (30 lb) or is very active Useful resources: HealthLink BC: Quick tips: baby-proofing your home … For safe seating, your …
Health topics
… from home, or end up in an emergency room. If any of these things happen and you have your records, you may get treatment more quickly, and it will be safer. Here are some steps to get … and you have your records, you may get treatment more quickly, and it will be safer. Here are some steps to get …
Health topics
… instructions from your doctor, follow this general advice. Tips for reducing the risk of infection To reduce the risk … become loose and fall off on their own. Other incision care tips After some surgeries, you may be given special … normal skin. Worse scarring may occur if the new skin is exposed to the sun or you get a sunburn. How to change a …
Health topics
… treated. When deciding whether and how to treat it, many things are considered, including your health and your baby's … birth in women pregnant with more than one baby. Learn more Quick Tips: Healthy Pregnancy Habits Symptoms It can be hard to …
Health topics
… like this. Although it may be hard at first, look for things each day that help you find a new sense of purpose … what's important to you. Building resilience Here are some tips for building resilience. Accept that things change. … what's important to you. Building resilience Here are some tips for building resilience. Accept that things change. …
Health topics
… health problem. Some of the risk factors for a TIA are things you can manage or change. footnote 1 These include: … or drug use, talk to your doctor. Get vaccinated against COVID-19, influenza (flu), and pneumonia. Learn more … health problem. Some of the risk factors for a TIA are things you can manage or change. footnote 1 These include: …