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Health topics
… in the first few days of your period. Many symptoms have been linked to PMS. They may vary greatly from cycle to … you. The first step is to make lifestyle changes. These are things like eating healthy, limiting things that make your … managing pain, and reducing stress. When you use these tips, it's best to try one or two at a time. This will help …
Health topics
… Self-Care You can live a full and active life by doing things that help keep your heart and body healthy. Here's … nuts, beans, lean meat, fish, and whole grains. Limit things that aren't so good for your heart, like sodium, … doctor if you need another dose. Stay up to date on your COVID-19 vaccines. Talk with your doctor if you have …
Health topics
… for more than 1 week No Symptoms for more than 1 week Many things can affect how your body responds to a symptom and … Your age . Babies and older adults tend to get sicker quicker. Your overall health . If you have a condition such … or breathed into the lungs (aspirated). Try these tips to treat a minor mouth or dental injury. Reduce pain. …
Health topics
… C (HCV) antibody test is done. This shows whether you've been exposed to this virus. If the test is positive (which means you have been exposed), then an HCV RNA blood test is done. This test …
Health topics
… to be. When you're in the green zone, one or more of these things may be true: You don't have any symptoms. You're able … no wheezing is actually worse than hearing wheezing. Your quick-relief medicine doesn't help. Your peak flow (if you … no wheezing is actually worse than hearing wheezing. Your quick-relief medicine doesn't help. Your peak flow (if you …
Health topics
… school gets harder, leaving less time to get out and do things. Staying active has huge benefits. Being active helps … at your local community centre about getting started.  Tips for being active Warm up first: if you're doing a …
Health topics
… It may point to chemicals or other hazards that you've been exposed to recently or in the past. Keep a journal of … or reducing your exposure to what is making you sick. These things might help: Improve your air quality by getting rid … Pollutants Allergens in your home You can use the following tips to help avoid health problems that are caused by …
Health topics
… not alone. You'll be glad to hear there are plenty of tips and tricks you can use to get yourself back on track … goals to help you get there. Short-term goals are things you want to do tomorrow and the day after. Did you … goal to help you stay active. Even people who have been active for years set new goals to help themselves stay …
Health topics
… Explain how a cleft palate forms and how having one has been a part of making your child strong. Caring for a child … Cleft Lip Cosmetic Surgery and Procedures Ear Infections Quick Tips: Healthy Pregnancy Habits Support Groups and Social …
Health topics
… it? What causes gambling disorder isn't clear, but certain things put people at higher risk. For example, it seems to run in families. Other things that increase your risk include: Having other mental … Being abused or neglected as children. Having seen or been a victim of violence. How is it diagnosed? A doctor …