4679 results found
Health topics
… life, how to choose appropriate clothing and equipment and tips for being active in cooler and warmer temperatures. … more physically active. Learn about common barriers and tips for overcoming them. Choosing your activity The best … people stop or break their routine. Learn about these and tips for staying active and restarting activity after a …
Health topics
… you have a problem with your lungs and heart. But there are things you can do to feel better and stay as active as you … ways to save your energy. For example, arrange your home so things you use often are in easy reach. Put a stool in your … Stay as healthy as you can Try to avoid infections such as COVID-19, colds, and influenza (flu). Get a pneumococcal …
Health topics
… different than usual symptoms Is your ability to breathe: Quickly getting worse (within minutes or hours)? Breathing … Cough is unchanged Getting better? Cough is improving Many things can affect how your body responds to a symptom and … Between Influenza (Flu) and a Cold Handwashing Quick Tips: Safely Giving Over-the-Counter Medicines to Children …
Health topics
… of hours to days. But missing a dose of insulin can cause a quick rise in blood sugar levels. Blood sugar levels just … so that you can prevent high blood sugar emergencies. Three things can help you prevent high blood sugar problems: Test … a lower level. For example, if your blood sugar level has been higher than 17.0 mmol/L for a week or so and the level …
HealthLinkBC files
… ships. What are the symptoms? Within 1 to 2 days of being exposed to norovirus you may have the following symptoms: an … To help stop the spread of the virus, follow these tips: Wash your hands, especially after using the toilet, … choking and potentially death. Throw out any food that has been handled by a person with the virus or exposed while a …
Health topics
… in our brains and alter our perceptions of pain. It has been associated with the rise in overdose deaths in B.C. … more complex. All opioids have different potencies. It has been reported that fentanyl is 50-100 times more toxic than … an opioid overdose by restoring consciousness and breathing quickly thereby preventing brain damage or death. Whenever …
Health topics
… success if it results in the birth of a healthy baby. Many things affect your chances of conceiving and carrying a … treatment. Major ones include: Your age and how long you've been trying to conceive. Your age (and the age of your egg … success if it results in the birth of a healthy baby. Many things affect your chances of conceiving and carrying a …
Health topics
… Fitness: Choosing activities that are right for you Tips for picking the right activities Exercise and physical …
Health topics
… into blisters. How severe the rash is may vary for people exposed to the same parasites. How is it diagnosed? A doctor … swimmer's itch by looking at your skin and asking if you've been swimming in ponds or lakes. How is swimmer's itch … swimmer's itch by looking at your skin and asking if you've been swimming in ponds or lakes. How is swimmer's itch …
Health topics
… Symptoms usually start 2 to 3 weeks after a person has been exposed to the virus. Early symptoms may include: A fever … Fatigue. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and belly pain. You quickly will become very sick. Within a few days, you'll …