4678 results found
Health topics
… health and safety concerns with your child, such as: Tips to add healthy foods and exercise into a daily routine. … of modern technology offer young people ways to communicate quickly. They may also feel anonymous. But children need to … messages to others. Communication is so fast now that things they write and send off with a "click" can have …
Health topics
… is not physically active, it's important to look at the things, or barriers, that are getting in the way. Barriers … active. If that's the case for your child, try these tips: Encourage your child to try different activities until … enjoyable. Set short-term goals that let your child succeed quickly. Consider a program like Special Olympics, which …
Health topics
… Infection of the circumcision site. Irritation of the exposed tip of the penis. Blockage of the opening of the … normal passage of urine if the opening from the bladder has been blocked by this scar tissue. The outer skin layer (or … normal passage of urine if the opening from the bladder has been blocked by this scar tissue. The outer skin layer (or …
Health topics
… or any surgical hardware in the area? "Hardware" includes things like artificial joints, plates or screws, catheters, … Your age . Babies and older adults tend to get sicker quicker. Your overall health . If you have a condition such … bandage. Caring for a minor leg injury Try the following tips to help relieve leg pain, swelling, and stiffness. …
Health topics
… surgery, your surgeon or nurse will remind you to do these things: Follow the instructions exactly about when to stop … airway, or LMA) is placed in the back of your throat. These things help you breathe during the surgery. Keeping things … your doctors and nurses will make sure that: Your pain has been controlled so that it doesn't interfere with your …
Health topics
… return to work, it may help to plan ahead. Here are some things to think about. Employer support. Before your child … a bottle or from a cup if your baby is older. If you've been breastfeeding for at least a month, offer your baby a … return to work, it may help to plan ahead. Here are some things to think about. Employer support. Before your child …
Health topics
… better and help keep your lungs healthy. If you have been recently diagnosed with asthma, it may seem like there are a lot of things to remember. But with some practice, these things … triggered it, the symptoms, and what medicine you took for quick relief. Follow your action plan when you are having …
Health topics
… Your doctor may recommend this procedure based on certain things. These include: footnote 1 , footnote 2 , footnote 3 … artery can narrow again. The risks of a procedure depend on things like your age and your overall health. Who does the … Your doctor may recommend this procedure based on certain things. These include: footnote 1 , footnote 2 , footnote 3 …
Health topics
… some events are more common in older adults. This includes things like losing a spouse, living with a long-term health … confused or forgetful and stop seeing friends and doing things. They may also have a hard time sleeping and may not … alcohol, using drugs, or using medicines that have not been prescribed to you. Think positively. How you think can …
Health topics
… again this time. What got in the way of your success? These things are called barriers. Plan for ways to deal with them. … Make these small steps specific and within your reach—things you know you can do. They're what keep you going from … you. Here are some ways to find support. Find someone who's been through the change you're planning. Ask for their …