3646 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… vegetarian recipes for toddlers 2 years of age and older, tips for cooking with plant-based protein foods and more For … be high in fibre, which can fill up a child’s small stomach quickly. This can make it hard for children to get enough … very small portions of these foods provide a good source of calories and nutrients Provide structured snack times in …
Health topics
… of Your Appointment Nausea and Vomiting, Age 11 and Younger Quick Tips: Safely Giving Over-the-Counter Medicines to Children … of Your Appointment Nausea and Vomiting, Age 11 and Younger Quick Tips: Safely Giving Over-the-Counter Medicines to …
Health topics
… at home - but you can reduce the risk by following these tips. On this page: Keep your home safe Keep baby safe Baby … emergency numbers near each phone so you can find them quickly. Install smoke detectors and a fire extinguisher. …
Health topics
… Your age . Babies and older adults tend to get sicker quicker. Your overall health . If you have a condition such … Bladder or bowel trouble can include: Trouble emptying your bladder. Leaking urine. Blood in your urine. … risk of more injury to the spinal cord. Try the following tips to help relieve back pain, swelling, and stiffness. …
Health topics
… breastfeeding, your doctor may suggest that you eat more calories each day than otherwise recommended for a person of … breastfeeding, your doctor may suggest that you eat more calories each day than otherwise recommended for a person of …
Health topics
… and public buildings. Bake Better Bites: Recipes and Tips for Healthier Baked Goods (PDF, 2.43MB) Find recipes and tips for preparing healthy baked goods. Supports the … parents, community volunteers, school staff and students. Tips and recipes for quantity cooking This resource includes …
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… at your local community centre about getting started. Tips for being active Warm up first: if you're doing a …
HealthLinkBC files
… PDF Document English What is a bed bug? Bed bugs are small, quick-moving, wingless insects with flat, oval bodies. They … vacuum cleaner, follow the instructions above but also empty the canister into a plastic garbage bag and seal and … are they? canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/pest-control-tips/bedbugs-what-are-they.html Canadian Pest Management …
Health topics
… in your lifestyle. Make sure to follow these general sleep tips. During the day Don't drink liquids that have caffeine … up in the middle of the night and don't get back to sleep quickly, get out of bed and go to another room until you … up in the middle of the night and don't get back to sleep quickly, get out of bed and go to another room until you …
… the area from further injury. This helps ulcers heal more quickly. Other Uses This section contains uses of this drug … this medicine by mouth, usually 2 to 4 times daily, on an empty stomach at least 1 hour before a meal, or as directed … the area from further injury. This helps ulcers heal more quickly. Other Uses This section contains uses of this drug …