3299 results found
Health topics
… in half. Going for regular, brisk walks in combination with healthy eating, can also help you to stay within a healthy weight range, and have you looking and feeling good! …
HealthLinkBC files
… and animals may carry the bacteria and still look and feel healthy. Lakes and streams can also be contaminated by these bacteria. You can get yersiniosis by eating food or drinking water contaminated with Yersinia …
Health topics
… spread? People usually get hepatitis E by drinking water or eating food that's been contaminated by feces (stool) from … are other good choices, if you can tolerate them. Eat a healthy mix of foods. Even though food may not appeal to … are other good choices, if you can tolerate them. Eat a healthy mix of foods. Even though food may not appeal to …
Health topics
… provide the body with energy. This energy keeps your heart beating, your brain active, and your muscles working. The … your body also needs these nutrients. Healthy Eating Weight Management Current as of: … your body also needs these nutrients. Healthy Eating Weight Management Current as of: …
Health topics
… types of vaginitis and their causes are: Yeast infection. A healthy vagina normally contains a small number of yeast … happens to the vagina that lets the yeast cells multiply quickly and take over, causing symptoms. Taking antibiotics … bacteria normally found in the vagina are able to multiply quickly, causing symptoms. Experts are not sure what causes …
Health topics
… It's also called hypotension (say "hy-poh-TEN-shun"). In healthy adults, low blood pressure may not cause problems or … it? Some causes of low blood pressure include: Getting up quickly after you sit or lie down. This can cause a quick drop in blood pressure called orthostatic hypotension …
Health topics
… ease the pain. You can prepare for a crisis in advance by creating a pain management plan with your doctor. This plan … infection, stress, and low oxygen intake. Here are some tips for preventing a crisis. Drink plenty of fluids, … Sickle Cell Disease: Preventing Problems and Staying Healthy Current as of: September 8, 2022 Author: …
Health topics
… How can you help prevent DVT from travel? Even if you are healthy and have a low risk of blood clots, a long flight or … blood clot risk stays higher than normal. Here are some tips to prevent DVT during a long trip. Stop every hour or … Fainting. Rapid pulse or irregular heartbeat. Anxiety or sweating. Call your doctor now if you have DVT symptoms, …
Health topics
… infections, and other infections Helps your toddler develop healthy teeth May help prevent diabetes, heart disease and … Weaning gradually helps your body adjust. Here are some tips to help make weaning as comfortable as possible for …
Health topics
… yeast diaper rash. Birthmarks The birthmark bleeds or grows quickly. Blisters Your baby has a rash with blisters. … baby's 5th day of life. Your baby seems very sleepy, is not eating well, or does not act normally. Your baby shows signs … You don't usually need to use lotions and other products on healthy newborn skin. Birthmarks Cradle …