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Health topics
… may be more tired than normal for a few weeks. Avoid moving quickly or lifting anything heavy until your doctor tells … all ectopic cell growth has stopped. Surgery Surgery is the fastest way to treat an ectopic pregnancy. The two types of … may be more tired than normal for a few weeks. Avoid moving quickly or lifting anything heavy until your doctor tells …
Health topics
… mouth, or throat can block your airway while you sleep, making sleep apnea more likely. Surgery can sometimes … Behaviour problems. A short attention span. Not growing as quickly as they should for their age. This may be the only … Behaviour problems. A short attention span. Not growing as quickly as they should for their age. This may be the only …
… increase the risk of death and/or cause your tumor to grow faster. This medication should be stopped after completing a … be caused by the number of red blood cells increasing too quickly, usually within the first 3 months of starting … be caused by the number of red blood cells increasing too quickly, usually within the first 3 months of starting …
… take more than once daily. A high-fat meal may delay how quickly the drug begins to work. The dosage is based on your … take more than once daily. A high-fat meal may delay how quickly the drug begins to work. The dosage is based on your …
Health topics
… your doctor or midwife told you it should be, or it rises quickly. You have any vaginal bleeding. You have new nausea … your doctor or midwife told you it should be, or it rises quickly. You have any vaginal bleeding. You have new nausea …
Health topics
… life-threatening condition, may happen more often and more quickly with an insulin pump than with injections. Your … life-threatening condition, may happen more often and more quickly with an insulin pump than with injections. Your … life-threatening condition, may happen more often and more quickly with an insulin pump than with injections. Your …
Health topics
… A meniscus tear is usually caused by twisting or turning quickly, often with the foot planted while the knee is bent. … way to find problems and do surgery inside a joint without making a large cut (incision). Your doctor puts a lighted … A meniscus tear is usually caused by twisting or turning quickly, often with the foot planted while the knee is bent. …
Health topics
… Your age . Babies and older adults tend to get sicker quicker. Your overall health . If you have a condition such … Hip Injuries, Age 12 and Older Self-Care Try the following tips to help relieve hip pain, swelling, and stiffness. … your condition by being prepared for your appointment. Making the Most of Your Appointment …
… that doesn't go away, fever) unusual weakness/tiredness fast heartbeat shortness of breath signs of kidney problems … that doesn't go away, fever) unusual weakness/tiredness fast heartbeat shortness of breath signs of kidney problems …
… possibly fatal side effects (such as heart failure, fast/irregular heartbeat, pneumonia) when this medication is … blisters/redness. This medication may make you sweat less, making you more likely to get heat stroke. Avoid doing … drink a lot of fluids and dress lightly. If you overheat, quickly look for a place to cool down and rest. Get medical …