4788 results found
… possibly fatal side effects (such as heart failure, fast/irregular heartbeat, pneumonia) when this medication is … blisters/redness. This medication may make you sweat less, making you more likely to get heat stroke. Avoid doing … drink a lot of fluids and dress lightly. If you overheat, quickly look for a place to cool down and rest. Get medical …
Health topics
… good self-care may help. But if you find that your grief is making it difficult to function, contact a grief counsellor, … of the loss, such as making funeral arrangements. Avoid quick fixes. Resist the urge to drink alcohol, smoke … of the loss, such as making funeral arrangements. Avoid quick fixes. Resist the urge to drink alcohol, smoke …
Health topics
… cosmetic procedure, consider the following questions before making a decision. Why do you want cosmetic surgery? This is … reason to rush into it. Do not be pressured into making a quick decision. Get as much information as you need to feel … reason to rush into it. Do not be pressured into making a quick decision. Get as much information as you need to feel …
Health topics
… the eyeballs continue to grow, it may develop or get worse quickly. Teenagers may need new glasses every 12 months or … the eyeballs continue to grow, it may develop or get worse quickly. Teenagers may need new glasses every 12 months or …
Medical tests
… feel nothing at all from the needle. Or you might feel a quick sting or pinch. Risks Heel stick There is very little … feel nothing at all from the needle. Or you might feel a quick sting or pinch. Risks Heel stick There is very little …
Health topics
… shortness of breath and rapid breathing. ARDS can develop quickly. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will diagnose ARDS … shortness of breath and rapid breathing. ARDS can develop quickly. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will diagnose ARDS …
Health topics
… development Most children by age 3: Learn new words quickly. Most recognize and can name common objects. Use … development Most children by age 3: Learn new words quickly. Most recognize and can name common objects. Use …
Health topics
… lower blood sugar. Research shows that: For many people, making major lifestyle changes works better than taking … activity gets your heart pumping. Examples are walking quickly, shooting baskets, and dancing. Eating a diet low in … activity gets your heart pumping. Examples are walking quickly, shooting baskets, and dancing. Eating a diet low in …
Health topics
… Therapy Physiotherapy Self-Care Living with RA often means making changes to your lifestyle. You can do things at home, … of time you take them depends on how severe your RA is, how fast it's progressing, and how it affects your daily life. … Therapy Physiotherapy Self-Care Living with RA often means making changes to your lifestyle. You can do things at home, …